In middle to late February, Almine workshops are being organized in Russia and Ukraine. Marc and Niels will be sharing a wide variety of Almine’s teachings, focussed primarily on the topics of the Hadji-ka and the hefty subject of resurrection. Below is one a little peak into a subject they will discuss…
Goddess Archetype Meresh-arestu – (formerly known as Hay-hu-ka) – ‘She who embraces spontaneous experience.’ The masculine illusion that there is a need to accumulate knowledge rather than joyfully experience unfolding life, is dissolved by spontaneous living. But the root of it needs to be dissolved.
So we have now the problem that because the mind makes the matrix, and then it can only be interpreted within the matrix, no experience really can be totally spontaneous unless someone is brave enough to step off of that cliff that has been his firm ground beneath his feet, which is ‘control to the point where I can interpret.’ A lot of times I find people in my classes that are very afraid of being psychic, because they’re afraid of becoming schizophrenic, losing their mind, and so on, because there is such an inpouring of ultra-dimensional material that they don’t know how to interpret it.
So the core fear is: “What happens if I can’t interpret it?” True spontaneity is a journey into the unknowable. It cannot be interpreted. If it were within the matrix, it’s predictability. It is programmed behavior. You might spontaneously use one program versus another, but at the level of this particular archetype, that’s not really what we mean by spontaneity. It has to be outside of any experience that you have ever had. And true masculinity has the courage to do that.
So, if you can take some time just to let go any conceived ideas of your limit of expression, your limit of feeling, particularly love. To experience love to a depth where it shakes you and every paradigm that you think you had is out the window, is the true moral courage of a hero. Not the vanquishing of an enemy in battle or within the self. That’s all functioning within the known. True courage takes you into the unknowable. That is where spontaneity lies.
You can use the names and sigils of these archetypes to help manifest their qualities in your own life. They are a way to step into a surrendered life. Where the normal manifestations of the feminine and the masculine in our lives is all about seeking control for the little self and never about surrender, these goddess and god archetypes are a way of living to promote trust in the benevolence of Infinite Live unfolding.
This information are but snippets from more detailed discussions and dissemination in Almine’s breathtaking online courses Walking with the Seer and Mystical Secrets of the Toltec Way.
During the rest of February we will share a few more of the 18 gods and 16 goddess archetypes, so stay tuned to the blog…
avril says
Meresh-arestu, another facet that sparkles with joyous delight with the ever unfolding newness of spontaneous living. That’s a planned and thought out reply…here’s the spontaneous one.
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeflka i vaf t klz;f lkj reki lfk dlkf 3i nfkeo;q3RU V
devapriya says
<3 !!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 ………………..
Dhani says
Also would just like to add here. In life we plan, we plan to attend a retreat with Almine, book plane tickets etc. But don’t be tightly bound to these plans. Just acknowledge it lightly and keep your eye on the Infinite. Just be open to the horizonless aspects of whatever may happen.
So, we can make plans, but just understand that it’s only one of the options available to us. Freedom, for me, is about seeing the many options in life. The plans can be plan A, B or C but understand that the Infinite may open up other options for you too. So important not to just rigidly stick to plan A, just because you put effort into making those plans. Always keep your eyes open to the Infinite providing other options on route.
May your plans be graceful and fluid and may you allow spontaneity in your life too.
Dhani says
Well said Niels. Thank you. 🙂
Patricia says
Hi Dhani, If I’m not mistaken, everything below Goddess Archetype Meresh-arestu – (formerly known as Hay-hu-ka) – and above the centered squiggly, is an excerpt from Almine’s teachings. It can get confusing sometimes without quote marks, who is actually speaking, but I think that’s how it is in this case. 🙂 Perhaps Niels can confirm..
Niels says
Indeed, the stuff between the name of the goddess and the central squiggly (~*~) is Almine’s teachings, predominantly coming from the online courses Walking with the Seer, although more information can also be found in Mystical Secrets of the Toltec Way. The things beneath the squiggly are suggested usage of the information by myself, based on my own working with the archetypes and Almine’s information.
Hope this cleared stuff up…
Team Almine