I hope that with this Saturday’s webinar – The Answer – I’ll be pushed over the hump, and out of this emptiness and sadness I’ve been feeling since Ohio retreat. I feel like a blank card… with nothing in it. I have hardly any love to express to you, or anyone, hardly any joy. I can’t even feel your love… which makes me even sadder. What is happening and how should I cope?
The feeling you’re describing is being felt by many of our Lightfamily around the world. During our next interview on Awakening from the Dream, I will explain in detail, but for now I’ll give a short answer.
Besides the fact that what is happening is a step forward and a stage that will pass, there is additional good news:
The fact that so many of our Lightfamily are feeling the same symptoms that indicate that we have left old paradigms behind, shows just how in sync our Lightfamily is. The huge shift of consciousness happened at the Ohio retreat, and yet it has affected us all.
If you are looking for solutions, you have come to the right place. What you are describing, is the way I live. It seems as if old feelings one valued, just aren’t there anymore. It feels as though one is participating in life, but also floating above it. Other valuable qualities take the place of the old though. Little things can produce deep rapture or satisfaction, whereas “big” things just don’t seem as important anymore. One just views them as part of the flow of eternity. Everything seems equally important: the birth of a new baby, the rose bush abloom in the garden. The sentimental attachments and assigned values humans give things are not there anymore.
For the moment, until you get over the shock of encountering yourself as the only being in existence (and you actually have to go deeper into the elimination of human values and further into the deep grief you feel, before you can come out the other side), here are my suggestions:
- My family is suffering from the emptiness quite severely so I have ordered them the excellent homeopathic, Psy-stabil (30 drops, 4 times a day) to help production of the feel-good hormones.
- Find and create little things in your environment that bring satisfaction (for my husband it is his motorbike. He loves cleaning it and riding it — I recommend he do it as often as he can). For me it’s little corners of perfection in my home and the birdsong outside that I hear when the house is quiet. For my daughter it’s her pets. Experience these little things to hold onto through your day whenever the depression surfaces.
- Know that this too shall pass.
Kat says
Addendum to my previous post:
As soon as I posted my comment and went back to my email site, I noticed that I have 111 emails in my inbox. Makes me wonder if the possible “spiritual event” from my dream was the opening of a gate or portal. Whatever it was, it was major!
Kat says
Interesting that some commenters brought up turtle symbology… I’ve been having dreams and other synchronicities about turtles lately, and don’t know why. In my case it’s probably not an “adventurous journey” (no money). .. Although… I recently drew an Angel Card that said I would be going on a retreat, and that my Spirit posse (angels, guides, what-have-you) would arrange for the money, et al.. so who knows? At any rate, with others having Turtle symbols, it must mean something!
I also recently dreamed about Almine (possibly a first for me), and about a big event that everyone knew about except me (probably because I’m a virtual hermit). No one would tell me (in the dream) what happened, but it was either something terrible (like a 911), or it was a Spiritual event (which, assumedly, was of a positive nature).
dylan says
well it is kinda kool & interesting isnt it !
it makes me think that perhaps the real treasure is to be in love with life. which makes me think if the idea of being in love with the self is an illusion ? if we appreciate love & life then maybe thats the ultimate.
if all is consciousness and if i am consciousness, then all is manifest with consciousness and all forms are expressions of consciousness. if i am all that is , i am the blade of grass and the human and also the define’less formless being’ness. i am the formless and the form ? or is it just that i am the formless… ha much love.
ayanna says
I am returning to a renewed self (and here, to this site) with a calm, purposed energy in the purest serene gratitude.
A few days ago the foggy, numb feelings many have shared here began to lift. Still i feel as if i’m floating, drifting intermittently from allowing to efforting and vice versa; 4D to 5th.
We are learning to use our awakened tools in this new phase of infinite possibilities.
Crystale says
I feel that a big portion of spiritual communities and even ancient ones have not always been comfortable with grief. The contentment we can feel when we allow ourselves to feel it all, as one emotion, state rather than opposites has helped me tremendously.
There is so much freedom from the emptiness, the sadness the nothing or everything, as we are no longer allowing it to destroy us by the minds judgements.
As we shifted the 08-08-18 portal, it is moving us more deeply to honor the inner, emanating outwards the unfathomable nature of the Infinite. Having the outer as for example not as satisfying is almost a direct pointer that the essence of contentment, bliss and rapture will arise from within. Or even that the experience of rapture looking out in the world will steam more deeply from the inspiration of our inner to explore and be with it.
Emptiness is what we’ve all sincerely prayed for so we may truly emanate receptivity, so beautiful to hear it is happening for some many of us.
Deep prayer and faith in asking for the infinite to help with any clarity has assisted me so much lately.
Thank you all for sharing your wisdom, Merci beautiful Almine
stacey says
I thought about something today….I have seen a few turtles with cracked shells- this has stuck in my mind, maybe the “low” emotions are to break (crack) the luminous cocoon , not only for the ones experiencing this but also for the earth as ( so) the earth itself (can) expand(s) awareness since we do these things for her…it was just a thought…..
Holly says
Hi, Previously, the cocoon cracked due to trauma, but no more :-). In the free Dream Dictionary (via Almine) turtles = adventurous journey. I was at the Ohio Retreat and we will crack the luminous cocoon with rapture. Rapture is produced via an alchemical equation that includes the Runes, the principles, FA oils and the 288 Songs of the Earth.
stacey says
what a beautiful way to crack the luminous cocoon….thank you…….
Phoebe Surana-Mehit says
For me, one thing I love is growing our own garden spaces. Garden’s give me so much joy it often feels like when I am not with them the world is just too grim and deluded…
Ciara says
Also just a little clarification: is it appropriate then to do things like the psy-stabil to “stimulate feel-good hormones”, or are we supposed to actually feel the depth of this without interference?! Is that an interference, or just supportive? Just would so love some additional clarity around this bit and what appears to be a conflicting message in this post – “and you actually have to go deeper into the elimination of human values and further into the deep grief you feel, before you can come out the other side…” – do we do the latter in a scheduled way, like dedicating certain times to do this, and otherwise attempting to support ourselves to feel better the rest of the time? I could just be completely misunderstanding this or thinking too much into it…
Phoebe Surana-Mehit says
From my perspective psy-stabil is supportive. A person has to get a prescription, it cannot just be ordered without talking to the medical doctor , in my case I said it was recommended by Almine and it was understood. It consists of flower essences, there is protocol and directions to complete the whole bottle. From my perspective the support of nature is a magical tool of power and stability…unclogging dams and making prominent the flow of life in all directions. For my husband it re-established a sense opportunity and brought ease in moving through feelings of anxiousness and depression…in my opinion nature essences assist feelings and allow information to move more freely…
Ciara says
Thanks Phoebe. Come to think of it it’s no different really to all the herbs and superfoods I already take for support (just invested in a bunch more over the last few weeks to help me through this period). So I can grasp clearly the difference between that and avoidance of what needs to be gone through, thanks for discussing it with me.
Ciara says
Thank you so much Almine. I was going to write in today to ask about some of the additional symptoms here that weren’t mentioned in this first message just to make sure that they too were part of this, and here you have answered the question already. The interconnectedness is indeed such a blessing!
Betty Barlow says
Thank you so much! I’ve been like that for a long time now, and realize I like it👍
I just got an email from someone on match from 6 years ago…and I couldn’t respond right away as my 1st thought was…will this interfere with my time with God?
He had this flowery email I had written 6 years ago, and I hardly recognized myself…I sounded needy to the new me.
All I want or need is to be closer to the Creator than I was the day before it seems.😎🌴💖
dylan says
well, you are perfect as you are, you dont need anything and god is just a word. if you want to go beyond the word then you can admit to yourself that you are god and also there is no god. all there is is life. and thats you. you are life. so nothing can interrupt your “time with god” because there is not time for the timeless but we could call it being in time with life. being in sync with nature, being in alignment with what you reallly want. the joy of transcending what you want to some degree at the same time as satisfying and tending to your natural wants. and im not sure you can get any closer to the creator because that is you. you are creator. so you are already one with creation as creation, as life, as existence. you are it. no distance. right here right now. much love : )
Brook says
Dear Y,
The human reality and the ego mind will be great treasures moving forward.
All manifestations are of God because there’s nothing else.All things are brought to benefit. When we place value on a teacher’s knowledge above out own, we abandon ourselves in a consequential way.This causes a feeling of displacement no matter how connected and brilliant they seem, being present in your own ups and downs has far more value. Don’t substitute someone else’s interpretations above your own. Got works from within each individual, not from without. Avoid self abandonment of being a ‘student’. This is a bestowal universe and all things are ‘given, not worked for. We’re present as energy in the body. Focus on that and you will fill the void which is only a drifting away of self awareness.
The between is always uncomfortable until we let it have value. Love B
Anna says
I have been feeling this too… a blank card, trying to find the little things that make me smile and feel comforted…thank you Almine for all that you assist us with.
Alex Murray says
Forever grateful for these detailed explanations of these things when feelings of depression seem to go on for too long within me. KNOWING THAT THIS TOO SHALL PASS is what keeps me going on the daily and for that my heart feels blessed knowing and feeling were we are going on this planet!.
Dhani says
Good to know this Almine. Thank you.
Y says
Through out the years my consciousness has gone up and down. I’ve been in different stages and levels of awareness, yet one, discouraging and at times depressing, problem has persisted: that the realities and perceptions one develops or experiences for some time is not retained or made permanent.
It seems to always come down to the same outcome, which is that of being pulled back to the human reality and ego type of consciousness. I find this to be the case the moment one has to engage ones very human-style life, no matter how much one tries to live like a god-being. For me this has been enough to sometimes just give up trying to evolve. Most of the time I find that I’m keeping on aimlessly and with nothing solid and stable in terms of fruits and rewards for ones work.
If Almine ever shed some light on this issues, it’d be highly appreciated.
Much love