It seems that it is necessary to clarify copyright rules and regulations, not only of the law, but of Spiritual Journeys’ policy. It has been a delight to Almine when the material from our shared journey can financially enhance your life. But if certain guidelines are not followed, it could set a precedent. This erodes the possibility of her producing a professional product for the benefit of her lightfamily from the same material, and opens the door to the abuse of her material worldwide.
- It is acceptable to produce your expression of Almine’s work, such as a yoga video, for example, but you still need to obtain permission from our office in case this is in direct conflict with a product of Spiritual Journeys.
- It is quite acceptable for you to purchase and study a course and then teach the material that you have mastered to others.
In both the above instances, full credit must be given to Almine as the originator and you must provide our website ( in a prominent location on external packaging of your product.
- You need not obtain permission from our office to teach Almine’s material (such as a course) as long as only the instructions and tools (wheels, equations, etc) that are necessary for the use of the material be given. Direct quotes of her material from any source (course, book, daily product such as the TIMEMAP, etc) should be limited to no more than a few sentences or a paragraph. When in doubt, please contact our business office.
- We are happy to provide certain background musical pieces created by Almine for use with approved products that you make as an expression of her work.
Per Almine’s request, an additional Copyright Guideline, added March 6, 2016:
5. All projects and/or products that contain any copyrighted material of Almine/Spiritual Journeys, LLC must be submitted to our Ohio business office ( for approval prior to release for sale, or otherwise freely sharing in public or private venues, to ensure compliance with the standards of Almine and Spiritual Journeys for its use.
It is in violation of the international copyright treaty to use large or multiple pieces of someone’s original work, add your artwork and then sell for a profit.
Just giving Almine credit as the originator, in the instance of plagiarizing her work, is not sufficient justification for the unconscionable precedent that could set an example of multiple copyright infringements worldwide.
- During the past year Almine has given permission to someone in Canada to produce small, artistic booklets and to use some of her quotes with their art. She felt that the use of her written word was minimal enough to permit their production and gave permission.
- In two instances, entire bodies of work (with a few additional embellishments) were lifted from Almine’s material and sold for profit. It was necessary to demand that these products be removed from the market to avoid litigation.
- In one of the latter cases, it pre-empted the planned production of the same product by Spiritual Journeys to be released on New Year’s Eve 2016.
We thank you for your support and for not abusing Almine’s generosity.
Thank you Almine…..and beautifully said by Anna.
Love praise and gratitude to Almine who inspires authenticity and originality
Every eternal being regardless what part of the Universe they are born, needs the sacred tools to expand the light of the spirit. With these tools we can illuminate variety of Infinite expressions, so the Eternity that is alive in each of us can know her self through Infinite variations of authentic self-expression.
So, therefore I am Eternally grateful for Almine helping us to realize and awaken our potential as Gods and Goddesses in the flesh, so Eternity that is alive in us can know itself as a living God.
appreciate the infinite as it flows through almine, grow in its reflection in you, but find your own expression. It isn’t all that complicated 🙂 xo
I find this may have been done innocently without malice, but then that is my own heart speaking, I do not know the circumstances… what ripples from this for my own resolution, is I find it to be a call to be ORIGINAL, your originality may have nothing to do with Almine’s material works…Almine is an original, she inspires originality, authenticity, and truth in the full vastness of the word. The Infinite is original in each of its creations. It is a worthwhile quest to find that originality that is you, so we don’t need to try so hard to give something to the world that does not come from our own being, but rather give to the world who we are and what we express effortlessly in originality and authenticity…. Perhaps if you feel strongly to use Almine’s work, why not ask to collaborate with her, where you come together in fullness, it then becomes an act of alchemy a win , win situation. where you share in the abundance, if both are coming without agendas. I also see it as a call to transcend from competition of resources to cooperation in creativity and originality.
Thank you Jan for bringing this revelation to my own life and my world, it has inspired me greatly.