Photo by Nicole R. (British Columbia, Canada)
It isn’t what you do that counts, it is who you are. Continue reading→
Cutting-edge Mysticism
Photo by Nicole R. (British Columbia, Canada)
It isn’t what you do that counts, it is who you are. Continue reading→
Approach the moment with the eyes of a child— full of adventure and discovery. Continue reading→
Photo by Sara Roshan (Vancouver, BC, Canada) Continue reading→
Photo by Alicia P. Washington, United States.
The one who knows himself to be all, creates for others in his presence, the holy sanctuary of full acceptance. Continue reading→
Photo by Debbie C (Co.Durham, United Kingdom)
Hiding the next moment from ourselves, we discover it anew. Continue reading→
Photo by Ginette V. (Taupo, NZ)
From the endless ocean of Beingness, the vastness brought this beauty to form my body. Everywhere I go I take my body with me. Continue reading→
Photo by Clasina T. (Wemeldinge, the Netherlands)
We empower what we focus on. Define yourself through every action as the master you are and you shall surely embody it. Continue reading→
Photo by Pearl L. (Alberta Canada)
There is no possibility of missing opportunities. If they are part of the choreography of the One Life, we shall most certainly choose them. Continue reading→
Photo by Maureen R. (Hampton NB, Canada)
There is neither imperfection nor perfection – just the inexorable revelation of the endless majesty of the Infinite in expression. Continue reading→
Photo by Alan M. (Waterbury, Connecticut USA)
Although the evolution of life involves destructuring the old to release the energy needed to create the new, it should be welcomed as the necessary precursor of a new tomorrow. Continue reading→