Q. Is there any reason other than belief systems formed from social conditioning, as to why death has such a foothold amongst humanity?
A. The first reason is guilt. The body, soul and spirit struggle for supremacy and control in our lives. While alive, the body is in control. Spirit tries to tell us that the body is an unholy and unworthy vehicle for our existence. Thus, we try and prove that we are worthy of life…
Q. Are there other reasons why death persists?
A. Most are not fully committed to life, and we have a sentimental view of death as a place of blissful repose, constructed to comfort those who lose loved ones.
Q. Why aren’t we committed to life, excluding the possibility that we don’t feel worthy of it?
A. The further that we’ve evolved, the less we feel at home, and the less we are able to embrace worldly things. When a major perception-changing event takes place, it can produce a perceptual crises: Nothing seems to make sense, what matters to others no longer matters to us, and it is possible to lose touch with loved ones. These are times when ones commitment to life can become very shaky – not what one would expect from a spiritually developed life. It just seems that the rest of the world is mad, that their pursuits are shallow, and that their aggression and other baser instincts pollute ones space.
Q. How can one prevent that? It’s everywhere!
A. By finding a little corner of this world, like your home or room, that is your inner sanctum, your holy space. Realize that it is the stage of your evolved reality. Each lives in their own reality, and the insane reality of others, is not your reality. You can reject things of the world that seep into your reality. Say firmly: “I dissolve this reality… My reality unfolds with grace, ease and elegance,” and banish these thoughts, while replacing them with images of things of nature that make you happy. Interact sparingly with those who do not inspire you, and above all, guard the motives behind your actions to make sure they’re not done to live up to others’ expectations or to pander, or try to please others.
Q. How does one regain the love of life, when we have become disenchanted with it?
A. When one hits such a bleak spot in one’s eternal journey, change the way that you look at the folly of man. Don’t think of it as life, but as a procession of folly in the pageantry of life, like jesters and harlequins moving in a procession across the stage of life. If one takes the folly of man seriously, it can cause anger, grief, and depression – just stay in the observer mode. On the stage of eternity, this too will pass.
There is only the journey…. and our inner family!!
Lots of Love and Blessings to All,
Death is life, life is death: Tao. We die to live, finding new life every moment. Conscious death require attention every moment as we transform into a higher realm. There is nothing else to do.
Thank you ever so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi, I am posting again. The message must’ve ‘kicked out’ automatically because a primary address wasn’t entered. (Matrix logic?) Well I now dissolve all temporarily ‘HiJaCkEd’ realities.” My true inner being unfolds with elegance, ease and grace.” Thank you, Almine, Rogier ~ blessings for continued success..
I love this questions and answers and I LOVE U ALMINE.UR AWESOME n bet SUCH INSPIRTION TO me n ALL CONTINUE GETTING BETTER N BETTER N I HOPE IN 2016 U WILL TEACH AGAIN I SO HOPE LOVE U UR DOLL great to have u as a teacher too SINCERELY UR Mantu
Much gratitude and love to you, Rogier & Almine. How beautiful (you are ~ ) and what wise, effective words of inspiration. In a never-ending whorl of transformation (that is life) one can manage to “stay in the eye.” Indeed, at intervals the spectacle seems to challenge that which is true. May you remain empowered to hold the light at the highest, deepest realms deemed possible…”I Am’s” radiance is intended to overflow back to you a thousandfold, promoting wellness of the highest degree. This what God has intended for humankind always.
I was to have taken a cruise with Almine last winter however due to my past criminal record, I was afraid to get stuck at some border crossing and so I had to bow out of trip but I was soooo looking forward to spending that time with her. I was also excited that she would be coming to Red Deer, Alberta Canada however that too was cancelled due to her medical crisis, me and my good friend Beatrice introduced her to my daughter Jeralee and her husband Jody who also possesses gifts of his own, he has had communications with the Mer people and I have experienced the wondrous fairies whom I consider my close friends, I believe that they were there to help me during a most difficult time out of which I ended up homeless. But Almine is never far from my mind, I miss her so much and I truly, truly, want her to recover fully to gift us once more with her beauty, astounding insights and ageless wisdom.
The last Q and A: REGAIN THE LOVE OF LIFE is excellent and, as others have pointed out in their posts, timely. Many blessings to Almine and to you, Rogier. I smile at you with my heart. Diane
Much Gratitude and Love, as Almine says, Divine timing is always spot-on. I have received this article at a time of great need when my thoughts and actions needed balancing and escape from those around me presently.
This is so timely and enlightening. Thank you Almine and Rogier.
Almine may all you give and share from the journey of your heart as the open door to the reality of our being, be magnified in a return current of healing light to you. <3~
This speaks precisely to where I am. Thank you, Almine.
Almine’s wisdom is ‘out of this world’, and only from that vantage point has the ability to so lucidly and vividly see the smooth and not so smooth edges and contours of this blissful journey in which we are made strong in vexing ways. To be held and compelled by this paradox and mystery of unfathomable proportions … well, if this doesn’t make your knees buckle … arthritis will.
Thx Rogier for this posting.
This Q and A has come to me at such a good time, I was beginning to
think there was something wrong with me. I now know to just keep
going and to keep my heart open to everyone, it seems to be easy to
keep heart open for loved ones ( family children ) but, much more
difficult for others and for myself. Is the book available for purchase ?
Much appreciation to you all at Almine Team. Much Love to Almine
wonderful insights! I sometimes felt disconnected to family but, now I understand more of what seeking to live a spiritual life is al about.
Thanks, Team Almine, continue to wish speedy recovery for Almine.
*I’m listening Almine and I love you*
I am very glad that Almine is recovering and pray that she does so fully. For those who serve globally holding consciousness for all, there are times when it becomes too heavy to bear and we must remember to ground our energies in Nature, walking on the salty water of the ocean, hugging a tree, planting our bare feet on the soil, eating living foods such as salads, barely cooked veggies, nuts, fruits, and drinking plenty of fresh water to balance our energies. We can observe the dramas around us, acknowledge what goes on, but not to own any of these, for these are not ours. BEing in a state of love and radiating this love and light to all blesses all. Namaste.
This is soooo right on 🙂 I have been having the conversation about the tyranny of body, soul and spirit for a week now!!! I actually wanted to ask where Almine originally spoke about it because I can’t remember…..it had to do with the Gods of Physical Life, Gods of Soul, etc. Thank you so much for posting this. Soooo much Love.
Much gratitude to you for posting this .. Such a pleasure to read and a gift to reflect on !!!
Deeply greatful and very insightful perceptional shifts occuring within from reading this sacred information eternal love praise gratitude and trust to Almine for bringing this through
This is so timely. I often become dejected when seeing the malevolence of those wishing to enslave and control every aspect of our lives. The analogy of seeing it as a procession of folly and just observing it in the stream of life is very, very helpful, as is the suggestion to search within to discover an aspect of self it may represent. I intend to memorize the thought, :I dissolve this reality….My reality unfolds with grace, ease and elegance”
Also, I have always considered the aging and death process an insult to the wonder and beauty of our divine beingness but have felt I may be arrogant in declaring that II think it’s stupid and I want no part of it. This helps to assuage that guilt.
Thank you so much Almine and Rogier for your love, wisdom and encouragement.
Thank you once again for the insights above
What a helpful and hopeful Q+A!
Feels perfectly timed for present challenges and yet possibly even more auspiciously preparatory for future opportunities to transcend this illusion.
Thank you so much Almine and Almine team!! 🙂 <3
Wow. Truly powerful. Thank you.
This is great Rogier. Thank you. 🙂
……and through all this , the seemingly imperfect is wonderfully perfect where room to Be is had for all to the level they challenge themselves (or not) to experience. Almines level of challenge to Self is second to non….as is each our own in each our own way.
Damn I love Almine : Damn I love LIFE
Earl S
(and much thanx to Rogier too!)
Is this going to be one of the books in the series of 7?
OH,THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. This article has answered something that has plagued me for so long. Almine, my love and gratitude and praise go to you!!! Ailsa xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This is wonderful!