Energy is the currency of all life forms — it determines how much consciousness and life force you may claim.
Conserve energy by making sure that you spend it wisely:
- Many wasted hours and much-wasted energy is spent through worry — often times over issues that are not your concern, but someone else’s.
- Avoid conflicts over issues that will be of no consequence a month down the road, or even a year later. Conflicts that yield insight are usually the conflicts with yourself. When you find yourself irritated or annoyed at someone else’s conduct, you are being challenged to engage in inner conflict for the reward of increased perception and self-empowerment.
~ The Seer Almine
Selma says
Thanks to our beloved Almine for a timely reminder as I contemplate the current relevance for me of what she wrote: “ When you find yourself irritated or annoyed at someone else’s conduct, you are being challenged to engage in inner conflict for the reward of increased perception and self-empowerment.”
Alex Murray says
Words to guide me by.
I’m feeling this very quiet “lull” like energy in Canada and the US in particular. Like another level of superflousness is about to be removed or IS being removed but needs another intense wave of high emotion for it to be swept away by the Infinite. Oh boy lol!…here we go!
Dhani says
Ailsa Mclean says
I am so grateful for this wonderful wisdom. XXX