It’s the day after the weekend before! From Friday June 21st, to Sunday June 23rd Summer Solstice Ceremony took place. Here’s Almine quick response on the effects of this big ceremony:
Bringing into balance the Feminine
“With the advent of the Krihanash Belvaspata, and the use of fragrance to clear the 12 main meridians of the body, it was understood that this was done by the light workers as a proxy for the planet. The release of age-old emotions has caused major floods in Canada (Alberta), Eastern Europe and in the mountainous regions of India, where multiple villages, buses and other vehicles have simply disappeared due to mudslides. It was a possible future to have another epic disaster from a tsunami in the area of the Philippines -this has been prevented by the profound but gentle transmutation of pain, guilt and fear, through perspectives of appreciation that were achieved through the frequencies of the music.
It will also be noted that there are riots in multiple countries around the world. This is the result of stuck areas of rage (such as Syria and Egypt) suddenly releasing from the gift Krihanash Belvaspata on Earth. Again, the 48 hours of sound and transmissions have prevented this phenomenon from escalating to extreme proportions. These are but a few practical and physical events that were brought about by the silence retreat and the sound ceremony.
At a more profound cosmic level, it has balanced both poles of the feminine within the cosmic matrix – the masculine was brought into balance during last year’s Solstice Ceremony. This process of integrated balance of the poles will be complete at the end of 2013 when we have the 300 Lemurian Angelic Elixirs playing during a global online gathering.
This balancing process facilitates and precedes the creating of the godkingdoms reality on Earth (something we will be devoting much attention to during the next three months of online courses).
Thank you to all who were part of this ceremony. It has done so much. Also, it is with gratitude that we acknowledge our light family in the Ukraine, Russia, Belgium and the USA who joined in our Silent Retreat in Canada. Our blessings and love went to you and we can feel your support. Much love and gratitude” ~ Almine
Most commonly asked questions after the ceremony
Q. Wow! That was powerful. Will the Summer Solstice Ceremony be repeated?
A. Unfortunately, no. However, we can announce that the 300 Lemurian Angels will be shared at the end of 2013 in an event that is tentatively called the ‘Night of the Angels‘. This will act as the counterpart to this ceremony, which involved the 300 Atlantean Angels. More information will follow soon.
Q. I missed the ceremony. Can I still listen to it?
A. The Summer Solstice Ceremony was a one time event. It will not be available as a whole to re-listen to. However, different parts of it have been made available by popular request, being:
- Lemurian Dream (unpolished and spontaneous live session)
- Chant of the Angel Gods
Q. What about this Magic of the Gods that I keep hearing everyone going on about. Where can I find that?
A. During the ceremony the Magic of the Gods was released to the participants. It will be available in the future to non-ceremony participants, so keep an eye out on Almine’s newsletter for more information. Until that time, you can follow people on to read their experiences with the Magic of the Gods.
We so enjoyed our time together during this past weekend. On behalf of Almine and her team, thank you for joining in, and for your enthusiasm, your comments on the chat and forum and the relay of your experiences in your many, many personal emails. What a way to kick off the summer!
I-am very greatfull Almine for your beautiful voice it is really a present a great gift.
When i feel the lumerian dreams it is heartopening. But not only the lumerian dreams. It is a dream i remember it Brings tears and tears.
That is alwright for me.
I feel such i don,t know how to express.
What a gift to meat the Mother in al beings
Thank you team of Almine
White the color of purity,
Gratitude Corrien
Ooooo….I feel the power of the Angel Gods music and magic on a whole different level now….after having done the ceremony properly now….forgot to say the codes out loud the first time….the angel names AND the codes have to be spoken out loud.
Also a reminder here that the Magic of the Gods Ceremony is available now. When you purchase the Chant of the Angel Gods music, the ceremony comes with the same package as pdf. files. 😀
Bless You Dear Almine, and One and All. (Am tearful yet again with Love and Gratitude!)
Oh my……that’s certainly affective on a very GRAND scale!
Much love, praise and gratitude for these many, many blessings Almine.
How wonderful to read what our beloved Almine says. It gave me a chill. So happy and grateful also for the balance of the feminine. Wondrous times of shared contribution to the cosmic unfolding….
Deep gratitude Almine. Through your mastererful awareness of how we all combine together in these formidable times on Earth, I more fully Know what I have known all along: our correography of the threads of connection harmonising a monumental process unfurling upon Earth. Some hold the Space through their enraptured swaying compassion, while others dance the thunderous clap and howl of an ancient Call. I am in awe. Deep reverance Almine.
Barbara, i must comment …this was SO beautifully expressed ..
“Some hold the Space through their enraptured swaying compassion, while others dance the thunderous clap and howl of an ancient Call.”
dearest Patricia,
I must comment on your comment on sweet Barbara K’s comment.
“Some hold the Space through their enraptured swaying compassion, while others dance the thunderous clap and howl of an ancient Call.”
There, I’ve commented.
love, in all ways