Straight from Almine’s latest newsletter…
As beings of light, we have had the inclination to want to know. The need to know and the interpretation of experiences creates linear becoming which leads to cyclical change. To move beyond, we must understand how to truly experience without trying to know. We find that when we hold on to plans, preferring one moment of time (which is frequency) and space (which is light), there is a loss of innocence. This loss of innocence removes the wonder of the moment.
For more information on ushering in a new age of time: the Eternal Moment, visit:
For more information about bringing an end to linear time, visit:
See more Almine videos on her youtube page.
See part 1 of this video series here.
Diane says
Oh-ma-god! I am so relieved that Almine spoke of her addiction to information and knowledge. Frankly, I have been questioning the sanity of studying with Almine: it felt like I was being taken on some wild goose chase where there was no way I could ever assimilation all of her teachings. Yet, I was frantic that I would miss something important– so, I bought her books, downloads, courses galore, and the more I purchased, the more lost and separated I became from myself. It’s got to be easier than this — I’m exhausted! I want to feel… to experience… I want to go home to myself… I want simplicity… Well, I was entertaining the idea of writing Almine to ask what her core teaching is — everything in a nutshell, the bottom line. I wanted a smaller nugget to act as an anchor so I wouldn’t get lost in the sea of information. This past week, I began listening to Abraham-Hicks, and, frankly, I am completely satisfied and happy with their simple, pure message of “Getting into the Vortex” — or, as Almine puts it, knowing that you are THE ONE LIFE — entering into ONENESS. To me, that is IT. Everything else (except Almine’s sound and light elixirs) is a joy ride of information — interesting, but not necessary. I suppose what it does is help counter a person’s personal version of reality based on societal, religious, and familial ties. That is valuable — but, for me, I’m exhausted
Niels says
Actually, we go into this very subject on the new Spiritual Journeys, in the beginners section. The idea that by no means, do you need to study all the material. The basis that carries you so far is pretty simple. How you want to get to the insights (which theme) is up to you. Either via right brain or left brain topics.
So, you don’t have to study all of it, but take in what you enjoy.
We liken it to a non-linear book with different chapters. You read one chapter and get a perspective, with insights for you own growth. You read another chapter and you get another perspective for your growth. And so on, and so forth…
I think that for everyone the core of Almine’s teachings differ. It is what is valuable for them on their travels now. And to me that is the richness of these teachings: the vast possibility of study, going as deep into it as you wish.
I feel like being a kid in a candy shop. But after a few years within that candy shop, I’ve learned not to overeat myself… for that makes my stomach upset 🙂
Hope that helped a bit… Thanks for sharing, Diane!
Team Almine
Diane says
Thank you for responding, Niels! I will look over the new beginner’s section when my brain stops hurting — or, as it was in your case, when your stomach settled down. 😀
marli says
Thanks for the additional insights from Neils and Patricia.
I too, have been accumulating knowledge, insights all my live because I thought
it was my “responsibility” to be smart. But also, it gave me a sense of worthiness.
The void of not knowing myself was filled with the never ending search for knowledge. By releasing myself from the Need to Learn/Know. I’m free to enjoy living in the moment.
Thank you all for sharing!
Corrien says
Corrien says
THE philosophy of the magic of the nine directions
1. Birchsparet – hevenasvi
There are periods of reason and deduction,and periods of effertloss knowing of effortless knowing of inevitability .
THE times of reason produce form and structure. THE times of non- cognitieve knowing produce fluid formlessness and destructuring.
Jointly they produce eternal moments and the gaps between the moments.
Timelessness is produced by living them as one – knowing the inevitable and with reasoning ,finding out why it is so.
Patricia says
Hi Corrien, Almine did state in the second video … “I am going to make myself wrong to what I said this morning, to what I said yesterday, to what I’ve said for months”
Corrien says
Addiction to light Is this something different than study light ?
Niels says
Well, you can study something for the fun of it, for the joy an adventure of pretended “knowingness”. Because it gives you an extra insight/tool in life for the next time something occurs. That is study to me.
Addiction is not being able to live without something, not being able to stop something. There is a vast difference between something you do for joy and options, than doing something because you have not other choice…
Hope that one helped a bit…
Team Almine
Patricia says
I too am so beyond grateful for your sharing these videos. I am also dumbfounded and blown away for two reasons. 1. i woke up this morning with a revelation after feeling so overwhelmed by all the information coming to us and the many sources and not knowing how i can possibly assimilate even some of it.. I felt deeply that all I need to do is be grateful, and clear, and joyfully anticipate life without expectation. To release all judgement, recognizing that all judgment is always of myself, My only job is to get out of the way, and allow the joy within flow. The key being “allow the joy.” So you can see how this video hit a chord deeply within. But that’s not all…
I had a dream the night before last, that I was at Almine’s home (never been before) and she approached me and said there were three things she wanted to address with me, two of which i don’t remember, but the one I do remember was that she said, in a very loving and matter of fact way, “I see there has been arrogance in your behavior.” I felt ashamed, and realized that I felt that one of the worst things anyone could say to and/or about me is that I am or have been arrogant, and that I have felt this way all my life!. (kind of like “NOoooooh..not that! Say anything but that!” So as I contemplated this in the waking hours, I resolved and said to myself, “It’s okay that you may have been arrogant, truly, it’s okay.” And then there was a huge weight lifted. So now hearing Almine talk about arrogance in this video, characterizing judgment, I’m kinda like…”whoa”… jaw dropped right now… wow!
marli says
Thank you, Thank you! This is good news! The heaviness of
carring the heavy burden of info.can now be dropped. It feels like a great release.
siany says
Oh I LOVED this video! I think I actually clapped outloud as I watched it! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes… after 20+ years of analysing for a living & 4 degrees & goodness knows what else & always studying & seeking seeking seeking… to stop that & just experience… oh yes yes yes yes! I took such a deep free feeling breath after watching this video! Thank you!
Anna says
The alchemy of the QiVesta is designed to take us beyond light and frequency. Are some of us already there and just don’t know it because we do not interpret or analyze our experience. I suspect threre are a few practitioners of QiVesta that have experienced going beyond light and frequency.