Question from a LightSister:
Almine gives the qualities to live the goddess tradition..one goddess for each month (moon cycle to moon cycle).. but there is no “start date.”
Would you please ask Almine which moon cycle to start the goddess tradition qualities with? What is a good starting point? Or does it not matter?
The Seer:
Yes, it matters, Dearest.
Start with the first goddess on the 17th of July.
During the following years ..start exploring the goddesses on the new moon in July. If there are two new moons, start on the date of the second new moon.
Thank you Tina, yest it didn’t feel right to follow Chinese new year with lunar cycle. I was inspired to start in July, the first new moon after summer soloistic. This confirms my inspiration and intuition. I appreciate for asking my question and Almine’s answer deeply.
Starting this month Our online wholesome group are invited to live the qualities of the goddess of the month. We are focusing to live the goddess traditions together. I invite everyone who is interested to join us. Monthly gathering will be posted on Event page of Originalones.org
Thank you for your question and the invitation. I forget to look at the Events page 🌙
Oringianlones.org don’t have event page anymore beloved Barbara. So I just shared it on face book with you.
It is also shared on Explorer of Consciousness Face Book Page.
Hi Sara, I have noticed now no more Events page!
Although I have not taken the trouble to close my FB account, I no longer visit there. For several years now. So I won’t get your message there. I’ll see if I have the email of someone in the Explorers group who can give me the information you posted.
Thank you for taking the time to do that!
Wow, very interesting, many thanks for the question!