We are slowly getting our act together from a rather busy week. The first ever Silence Retreat with Almine in Killarney, Canada, and to top it off, the Earth Chant Ceremony. Let us know if you participated in one, or both events. What were your experiences? Did you enjoy? What has changed?
Little Promotion 1
Today a little post to remind you guys that Almine’s online courses are still 50% off for the rest off June. Fill out the coupon code JUNE2012 (with capitals!) in the check out area in Almine’s store and get half off of any online course you can find there. A great treat!
Little Promotion 2
At the end of this month we will give away 1 free online course to the winner of our little “contest” to send in your testimonial about the Art of Dreaming or Beyond Mortality course.
Tip: Not a lot of people have send in their testimonial, so now is a good time to join in!
Help along, write along! Send your testimonial of Beyond Mortality and/or the Art of Dreaming to niels@almine.net. We will keep you updated on the diary of the winner and of course you will see the testimonials in the description page of the online courses.
Elena says
… Got home very late last night from the Retreat. The beautiful Almine’s music is still playing in my heart, my whole being is desiring to stay in silence/bliss longer, my body feels fluid experiencing the waves of internal Qigong dance like a sailboat on a quite day just surrendering to the magnificent power of the Lake waters melting into healing experience of being in Oneness.
I thank you Almine and all beautiful Masters I met at the Retreat and had the honor to work with at the Ceremony for the noble cause of healing and graceful transitions.
PS. There were several chants I had very strong resonance with like the Part of the story they telling I ‘ve lived through but there was one piece I felt most dear and personally connected to. So little I know that time- that was the One I purchased right before leaving to the Retreat and didn’t have chance to listen to. Beautiful confirmation for me being in a state of Infinite Flow even if I haven’t fully mastered to stay in it all the time.
Did you know guys that at the end of 72 hours of Earth Chant Ceremony we all went to the Lake to give thanks to the Water and had one of the most amazing experiences – the clouds have opened up and a double rainbow been painted across the evening sky like the manifestation of Beauty and Joy the Infinite was expressing as the work’s been completed!
Wendy says
Dear Niels………..I would also love to have these affirmations “Living in Oneness”. Could you post as to where we can find them? Thanks so much…….for all of these wonderful and free gifts.
Niels says
Just posted Wendy 🙂
See my reply to Marta’s comment…
Marta says
I did not fully participate in the Earth Chant ceremony, but during those days held my own ceremony. Nothing can describe what is unfolding within me. It has become very important for me to live the affirmations given by Almine for living in Oneness. They were given by Niels at the beginning of one of his radio programs when he began with these affirmations rather than a recording from Almine.
Can someone please post these affirmations? I got only part of them and cannot find the program in which these are.
What I have is as follows:
I am eternal and timeless…
I dwell in….
I am rejuvenated and renewed…
Thank you so much for giving these, Niels. I truly hope you can post these!
Niels says
Dear Marta and all,
They have been posted on Facebook, but also on Pinterest and recently also on Ascension.net. I will give here the links to Pinterest:
http://pinterest.com/pin/78390849734141443/ (Part 1)
http://pinterest.com/pin/78390849734141445/ (part 2)
Great to hear that your own ceremony worked powerful as well, Martha, and that you listen along to the radio shows 🙂
I hope you and everyone can enjoy these 24 aphorisms of the spine from the Hadji-ka dragon magic.
anna patricia says
In haste but I need to update you on some major discoveries and developments.Just finished my measuring and inspection of plants,shrubs and trees.I decided to do some plant monitoring before and after the Earth Chant Ceremony.
Since last Thursday my vegetable plants have grown almost 10 inches and my tomato plants have a leaf span of 12 inches. For most of this time we endured torrential rain ,flooding.winds ,low temperatures and little or no sun. At this time of year fruiting plants that have exposure to these conditions, fail to thrive and have weak spines and discolouration of leaves etc.etc.
During the Earth Chants I went in and out a lot to my plants. The tunes stayed in my head so I was able to divide my time between everything.
The few bees in evidence seemed to sense that something was going on.I picked up some scrap flower cuttings from the ground ,put them in a jug of water,with sigils and placed them in my greenhouse. They looked pretty sad and weather beaten.But not for long. The bees came to visit and between the chants and everything ,the flowers perked up and as I write ,they are looking like a freshly made arrangement.The colours are vibrant and I cant take my eyes of them.
I am so amazed at how green and flawless the vegetable plant leaves are.I will be potting up some plants for family and friends in a day or two.I am grateful that I have so many to spare.
In the middle of all the excitement ,a neighbour turned up with a beautiful coat for a member of my family. Her son had worn it just a couple of times so it was as new. Very much appreciated in my household and the timing was perfect also.
Well back to the land.When I master the camera,photos will follow.
Oh by the way thanks for replaying the last 15 minutes of the Chants.
I am currently doing another experiment so this is helping.
Love and happy chatting
kirsten_el says
Incredibly Inspiring! I am sharing this with my wild garden : ) thank you so much for sharing!
Corrien says
i was at the silence retrait in Killarney parc in Canada with other lovely family
It was a beautiful experience
before Almine arrived on sunday at the parc i felt suddenly dizyness/ lightness, when i sat and had a talk with one off the lovely participants
later i realize that it was the beginning of the release from toxins in my body.
the experiences in the retrait were becoming deeper and deeper in the following days.
when the group went working deeper and deeper every day to balance ourselfs , Almine who gave many blessings to each of us .
It felt like deep intensive cleaning whas taking place ,one could notice this in the weather. Raining and much wind on tuesday emotions where very deep in the group and a lot to let go off. On thursday the weather was warm and sunny
On wednesday i witnessed to snakes one loosing his/here skin and after that took a swim in the water .
A beautiful message for me that i am loosing the old to start a new
the eartchants i heard after the retrait i have no words for it i cant speak about this experience for it will work out at the right time for myself. Such a great work never heard of it before.
Words there are no words for these sacred songs of the earth.
Talking at this moment gives annoyance brings linearity i feel deep rest after this experience in Kilarney retrait.
It will workout these days to come.
Many many thank you Almine for opening my heart
also many thank you for the team supporting all of this
with the wind of love
Niels says
A few words by Erlisa about the Silence Retreat and the Earth Chants… Thank you for sharing, Erlisa!
First and foremost my deepest love and gratitude to Almine and all her team for flawlessly pulling this incredible event together, words cannot possibly describe the magnitude of profound silence, deep feelings, spontaneous movements and incredible changes that are still occurring as I speak.
I came back from the Silence Retreat on Saturday and had the chance to experience the deep silence and blessings from Almine for 4 days and 3 days of earth chants, which I continued playing when I arrived at home.
This Silence Retreat is by far one of the most amazing retreats I have ever experienced. It was my second meeting with Almine after my first POD in January 2011 in Toronto. I wasn’t able to make it for the April POD in Toronto, but I was praying to connect with Almine in Silence and it was a true wish come true when the Silence Retreat was announced. I hope more of this will be in the future. I have known that silence is Gold but for the first time I have personally experience the depths of silence like never before. It allowed deep integration and graceful processing of the body of all the healings and blessings from Almine as well as all the unexpressed frequencies throughout the earth chant ceremony. I felt the music through silence and movements, through tears and laughter and a deep peace settled at the end.
With so much Love, Praise and Gratitude, I salute all of you.
I wanted to share few verses which came at the end of playing the Earth Chants last night:
Dancing Through Lifetimes
Like the waves of the ocean I felt at first, some lighter some stronger,
then gradually started surfing with the winds, dancing with them
to finally rest in deep joy and contentment
Now, I feel like a feather which senses the wind playfully guiding my back
I feel the fire inside of me consuming indefinitely
I feel like a waterfall which can’t wait to reach for the cliff and free fall
My feet love to feel the soft earth with every move I make
My body gracefully flows, deeply sensing everything
A gentle ripple spreads throughout the universe as I dance
Erlisa Jorganxhi
Belvaspata Grand Master
Yoga of Illumination Instructor
Toronto, Canada