Important Notice to Our Global Lightfamily From the Seer
Late Friday March 29th, while the world slept, the death and rebirth of the macrocosm took place. Just hours before we finished a two day timeloop in which we had gone back in time to retrieve the 33 Principles of Fullness * which had been forgotten. Some time between midnight and 2am (the 30th March) PST, the tired and burdened old world rebirthed itself. It may seem as though the old distortion is still present, but the distortion that is characteristic of the end of a macrocosmic cycle, is lingering like a ghost — held in place by the belief of the many that it’s still there. But it has become a powerless ghost.
Some comments that were received from students during that time…
“Feel so strange being here… Kind of feel like I’m out of place… like I don’t belong here anymore. It’s almost as if this reality here is not real.”
“I feel like I have been here for a whole week today… like many days have passed all in one day… strange…”
“…the people are even acting different. It’s almost as if I don’t know them… It feels really dense.”
*Just started on Messages for Lightworkers
DYLAN says
Gabriele Gaven says
my adult children have “changed”, also within their own family. Amazing to see, hear, feel it as a mother.
It feels like people throughout the globe are starting to talk different. Is it that the mist is clearing?
Thank you!
Magnolia says
I felt a huge shift different than usual shifts within.
I feel like celebrating life even more
Am sooooo grateful and feel a much stronger appreciation and love.
Being put in my own power.
In a conversation with a beautiful sister we
Laught hard and had tears of gratitude too because it’s so profound.
I saw the beautiful face of Almine and I saw her smile I express my gratitude to her and I express it here again ,beautiful Almine.
No words can describe what I like to express it just is
So many deep waves,swirling and dancing within.
I bless me and us in the oneness of all things..
an endles union.
I love you deeply my light family
Love Praise Gratitude to you/us all.
Dave says
Well said Magnolia, that is almost exactly how I feel too. Soo Beautiful ! 🥰
Magnolia says
I felt a huge shift different than usual shifts within.
I feel like celebrating life even more
Am sooooo grateful and feel a much stronger appreciation and love.
Being put in my own power.
In a conversation with a beautiful sister we
Laught hard and had tears of gratitude too because it’s so profound.
I saw the beautiful face of Almine and I saw her smile I express my gratitude to her and I explicit here again to you beautiful I’ll mean no words can describe what I like to express it just is
So many deep waves swirling and dancing within.
I bless me and us in the oneness of all endles union.
I love you deeply my light family
Love Praise Gratitude to you/us all.
Lena says
Ahhhhhh SISTER!! <3 <3 <3 Love and blessings to us all during this time of great change . In adoration and joy my heart sings!
Audfey says
It would be great to understand more about this.
Ciara says
I would love to understand more about the implications of this (thank you so much for the info by the way! And understanding Almine is currently on retreat…)
For instance, does it mean that we are turning once again to include “the world” that focus was previously withdrawn from? Maybe not the right wording, but hopefully this makes sense. Perhaps this is related to resolving the illusion of real/unreal?
Anna says
Ciara, I think so, I feel this will be a blessing from the Infinite in reconciling the real and the unreal now that the unreal has been rebirthed…it may be an easier more graceful reconciliation?
In harmlessness of heart and with love always. To dissolve the ghostly will be interesting to assist in. 🙂
Ciara says
Thank you beloved Anna, it will indeed! It also feels though after the last week or so that the precision focus needed to do so will be way way easier than before, seems almost impossible to “latch on” to anything ghostly as if it’s real… I had a fleeting thought of something old this morning and immediately knocked something over and felt like I was spinning. I think it would be hard to go backwards if we are sensitively attuned to the moment!
Alexandra Murray says
So does this mean that all the old, painful, decaying way of living has been cleared? And now were just seeing the last “wisps of smoke” like powerless ghosts being…faded out so to speak. But life on this planet has officially been cleared and re-birthed anew?
Ciara says
I would like to know more about this too! Does it apply to humanity’s evolutionary trajectory?
Dhani says
lol…..I thought it had something to do with the Kaanish BVP that I had been doing for several people and it all suddenly stopped….and I felt a lot had changed. Everything has intensified a great deal. With this week’s retreat starting, everything seems to be resolving to a higher degree. My skin certainly feels renewed and rejuvenated!
Peggy Peters says
I have dropped everything that I held or reached for in the past two weeks.
not clumsily, but as if things are just barely out of reach. Is this significant?
Vanessa Power says
Incredible…very significant for me personally
Deeply greatful Thankyou Almine
Vanessa says
Almine, also Mothers Day in Ireland 31st of March , I put a post up in honour of the Infinite Mother but also all Mothers everywhere, the music I felt was so beautiful, from silence I received a telepathic communication which felt like Mother , the words were these ” I shall find the lost ones and bring them home”
I don’t know if this is related to what has unfolded re. Macrocosm / Microcosm
In Reverence
Vanessa says
Yes , more information would be great to have a deeper understanding
Anna says
Which microcosm…all 3 ?
Ekaterina says
Anna, it reads “the macrocosm”.
Anna says
Lol…thank you Ekaterina. I meant to write macro I was wondering which macrocosm was re-birthed?
Rogier says
“All of them”, says Almine…
Denise says
Thank You Rogier…I remember Almine saying that the macrocosms rebirth itself every 15 times and that the macrocosms were decaying due to the OO’s leaving ….This is wonderful news
Anna says
Thank you Rogier 🙂
Blue says
I cried to my soul for days during that time period
I felt like I was birthing through my heart and was crying doubled over in pain.
Thank goodness for hot epsom salt baths