Mastering the Twelve Principles of Understanding Memories
Versus Knowingnes
The more we realize that the way we live the moment, immediately
impacts the past; that every moment changes what was and makes what
we remember obsolete, the less it has a hold on us. This awareness can
immediately heal the heart and still the mind.
Understanding the Twenty Riddles of Uncovering the Mysteries of Inner Space
The inner senses reveal the world that lies behind the experiences of outer senses – the world behind the appearances. They are invited into awakening by the humble acknowledgment that life is unknowable and we can know but fleeting glimpses of its grandeur.
Excerpts from Book of Runes.
- Coming soon by popular request: Almine calling the 672 Angels of Inner Space (as heard on The Night of Miracles), available as an MP3 download.
Enjoy the original painting by Almine, Inner Space – from The Liquid Gem collection.

‘Inner Space’ by The Seer Almine
I am so excited about the 672 angels replay becoming available soon.
Thank you so much for making this possible. Patience paid off!
Thank you to everyone for sharing your comments. The painting is a beautiful expression of Almine and we are glad you are enjoying it. I am so happy we will soon be able to share Almine Calling the 672 Angels of Inner Space audio!
Magique ! Ca pétille à l’intérieur …
Magic ! It sparkles Inside …
Merci Jan pour le posting
Thank you Jan for posting
Oh so delighted to see this posting! Thank you Jan!!!
Most helpful at this moment, as the outer and inner are getting turned inside out…urmmm….as it were. 🙂
Also, we are just talking about this exact thing in the FB group. So good to have confirmation like this. 🙂
Thank you for sharing this Inner Space art by Almine. As I gaxed into the painting invited me to know my inner space.
My heart sings at the continuing unfolding of this magnificent, joyous, fun, challenging, light -hearted journey. We embody the paradox. 🙂 Thank you so much.