Question: Can you give your opinion about why racial prejudice still seems to be found in our schools and society , and what to do about it?
Almine’s Answer: In foreign lands young men bleed and die to uphold what they believe to be the American ideal of “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave”.
But is there a greater enslavement than being trapped in a life of mediocrity because of repetitive denegrating? Like water wearing down a stone, minorities everywhere are programmed by social conditioning to see themselves as less.
The incalculable loss of human potential is damaging not only to the individual, but to the nation as a whole. We should leave no stone unturned to restore the faith and hope of achievement to those who have suffered racial prejudice.
Why has this happened? There is a universal law that we strengthen what we oppose. When soul groups want a boost to their evolution, an increase in strength; they volunteer to be in such a position. It is in honoring the gifts of diversity that we can best help restore the dignity of the downtrodden. Though significant strides in the right direction have been made over the last few decades, much remains to be done.
” …Though much is taken, much remains… ”
Excerpt from the poem Ulysses by Lord Alfred Tennyson
Dhani says
Good points.
Sue B says
such a fundamental Truth – “Honoring the gifts of diversity”; I feel this is intrinsic to life, to experience life-giving to it’s fullest degree… something to be joyously expressed in every moment.