In the upcoming How to Establish a Life of Graceful Change, the Seer explains her motivation in making available her jewelry to her Lightfamily, and how it is that the world does not understand the meaning of holiness.
Insights about the Seer’s Gems:
I do not always know whey certain compelling inspirations arise. Passing my jewelry on to you seemed at first to be only a delightful game I’m playing with my Lightfamily… It was only later that its significance became clear:
The symbolism is — you who have been servants to the world and it’s inhabitants, arise and take your place upon the thrones of the gods. You are servants to the unreal no more. ~Almine
Almine explains the purpose of The Seer’s Gems — the opportunity to purchase previously owned and worn jewelry of hers.
I have in all the years of interacting with my Lightfamily, not once made anything available for sale for commercial purposes only. It either had to be of assistance to our Journey of Enlightenment or it was not something relevant to offer.
Not understanding at first how the jewelry I’ve worn would assist you, I ignored the persistent inspiration of my heart to make it available. After finally listening to the strong promptings of inspiration, it became clear (teaching me so many valuable insights) as to what value it would have:
We are on a quest to restore wholesome living to the people of the Earth, so that change can come through grace rather than hardship. To do that we have to restore the balance between the magnetic and the electric components. The hyper-electric lifestyle (over-polarized into doingness) of the people attracts catastrophe and traumatic opposition. The soul components; the deep emotional (magnetic) components, need to be integrated into our activity and the work of our hands. As the Sacred Government, this is for us to do in our lives by proxy. The tools we have received to assist us in restoring “soul” to our lives, are as follows:
- The EMF products: the EMF damage to the cellular matrix degrades the magnetic components, causing the hyper-electric state to bring about aging and disease.
- The Metaphysical Belvaspata heals by balancing the electro/magnetic ratio.
- The Five Element Alchemical Oils bring balance to the electro/magnetic ratio, thereby preventing trauma as a means of guidance, aging and disease, and restores the sense of well-being that increased magnetic elements deliver.
- The jewelry is infused with the Rapture, interdimensional experiences, delight and playfulness that I experience in such abundance daily. At first I thought that the Tibetan pieces in particular, would carry these feelings because they were made with silver, genuine stones, and obvious creative pride and creative joy by the silversmiths who made them.
But I have since learnt that the alchemists stone that turns baser materials into something precious, is the gladness and deep emotions that come from the heart. These pieces are another tool to raise the magnetic components of your body. Because of your Divinity, by proxy it blesses all you come in contact with. It is a joyous journey. Thank you for sharing the Adventure with me. ~Almine
For the Seer’s Gems and the League of the Anchor Ring, contact
It is wonderful to grasp holiness with all my heart!
thank you !
I did at first quietly wonder re: the “appropriateness and relevance” of Almine offering her jewelry for sale but figured it would somehow be inspirational. I was struck by this related comment from Almine, above, “The symbolism is — you who have been servants to the world and its inhabitants, arise and take your place upon the thrones of the gods. You are servants to the unreal no more.”
I have noticed this sea change in myself, especially this past year. While I retain interest in engaging with society to provide needed solutions and leadership – if asked, if appreciated – I’ve stopped running around throwing myself at the most critical situations I’m aware of in “classic fix & save mode,” a pattern that I know I’ve been stuck with during many past lives.
While I believe we’ve endured a long period on Earth that truly required devoted “fixing & saving,” I’m delighted and relieved to hear Almine proclaim its end. I really feel that this dramatic change is based upon some kind of firm new foundation. Many thanks to Almine for her continued leadership and inspiration.
I needed to hear that…thank you Almine….
What a beautiful and authentic explanation. The more I listen to Almine, the more I love and respect her. It always feels good when she speaks.
Just amazing and inspiring.
So true!
Thank you for this. Thank you Almine….. (and as a side note…I really like the birds in the background 🙂)
Last night I dreamt Almine was teaching or gathering at a church. I, also, previously left a comment on another post saying that the background music (also used here) makes it sound like she’s at a church speaking. It makes me wonder if it all had to do with this topic of holiness.
Anyway, Almine, I personally also felt that you were having fun offering your beautiful pieces. Anything other than didn’t even cross my mind, at all. I’m sure many of us were wondering “I wonder what the deeper significance of this is?” However, even if it was simply you delighting your Lightfamily, that’s all that matters and I’m sure most of us gladly support you. ❤️
We felt this so much with the oils in Ireland dear Almine, that what was produced or touched by you being several steps ahead of us at that point actually pulled us forwards by just being in its presence.
Waiting eagerly for my jewellery. I hardly wear jewellery, but had to get some of Almines, I really felt that there is a huge important reason to purchase these gems, that there is a bigger picture here, not knowing what it was, I was prompted and pushed into aquirering these gems happily, so this explanation is wonderful of what it means to have these tremendously special gems. Thank you so much Almine.
I love my bracelets! I had noticed them in one of the videos and I am glad to have the opportunity to wear them. They help me feel balanced.
OMG! How Incredible……
I LOVE the sacred jewelry I received from Almine and I try to wear it as often as I can