Beloved, would you be able to help me understand what’s going on? Since yesterday I have been feeling a lot of fear and I’m very jumpy (nerves on edge).. and noises seem very loud and aggressive to me. For instance, someone knocked on the FA Lab door last night and the knock seemed very loud and felt like aggressive knocking. Then this morning, someone came to the house door and her knock sounded and felt the same. The loud knocking on the door made me feel sudden extreme fear. The people across the street just shut their car door and that sounded very loud to me and brought about fear as well. The dogs’ barking today seems very loud and is making me jump nervously. He too seems a bit on edge. All these things are unusual. Could it be the waves of fear that are being beamed at us?
The Seer:
It sounds as though you’ve been zapped by an electromagnetic pulse. It could be the whole area, or through the television or phone, or they could have targeted a specific place like a movie theater or supermarket. Sleep regular hours, drink lots of extra good water. Grounding helps the best. Barefoot or sitting on the ground for forty minutes at a time.
The ground is saturated from the rain we’ve had over the past two days. Would using a grounding mat work?
The Seer:
Not as well but it will help. In winter that’s the best one can do.
In some areas, particularly in the vicinity of power stations/relays and radio towers, the ground cannot dissipate the nearby emf pollution faster than received, causing the surface earth to retain a sort of dirty electromagnetic residue. Grounding in these places will NOT ground you!
I find music can be an effective shield in such circumstances. Love and Light!
Beloved Tina, As always deeply grateful for your awarenesses. Big hug.
I feel like I know that feeling all too well, it’s horrible, I’m so sorry ❤️ Thank you for the questions and answers though, I was taking a leap of hope with our grounding sheets/mats for these kinds of situations and anticipating the coming winter months, something for anyone interested although they are a bit expensive and I’m NOT sure if they work like intended but there are companies that make grounding shoes, so it’s supposed to be like having a grounding mat with you while you walk around in more public places or for going on walks on rainy/snowy days! Incase anyone’s interested. I hope you feel better soon Tina! ❤️
Love and best wishes Tina!
Yes, I know what you mean Tina. I have felt shudders of fear passing through my body at times over the past week as well. I do perform the Light Explosions and God Merkaba as well. Grounding is an additional thing I will also do now. Thanks.
Hope you are feeling better my love.
I recognise this very well, and have therefore been taking far more time to ground in the last couple of years. Though we are now into autumn…
The Belvaspata for Peaceful Sleep might also help.
Ouch! I hope things are more ‘normal’ for You, now, Dearest Tina.
It must have been something to be felt through Our LEP and Sacred Space tools!!!
Good job they mitigate. I imagine the effects would have been so much more dire without them and the Uret Perastu 💝
Tina, you described what I’ve been feeling exactly these last few days.
Thank you for asking Beloved Almine about this.
Very helpful to hear.
Sending you loads of love and hugs Tina xxx
Now it all makes sense!!!