Don’t depend on others to give you that which life is waiting to offer you. Don’t look to others to affirm that you’re beautiful and powerful and strong. Continue reading→
Ishtar, Berestu, Verasti
How does one say ‘Love, Praise and Gratitude’ in the Holy Language? Continue reading→
Black Friday 2019
Our Black Friday sale this year will run from 00:01 AM on Friday, November 29th, through the following Sunday (Pacific Time). Continue reading→
Happy Thanksgiving
A happy Thanksgiving to my beloved American Lightfamily. This photo is from last summer — a rare moment with my daughters. Continue reading→
The Descent of Light
The 300 cosmic year-long ascent of light has recently switched to the descent of light and the ascension of frequency. Continue reading→
Bringing Support & Balance to Humanity and the Planet
Bringing support and balance to humanity and the planet during this time of weather and energy disruption on earth, begins at home. Continue reading→
The Definition of a Life of Excellence
The definition of a life of excellence, is a life intrepidly aligned with one’s highest vision… Continue reading→
The Sun Shall Set on Humanity
Space has been the imaginary playground of the gods. To infuse your journey with play and lighthearted fun, is your only instruction on this day of your never-ending journey. Continue reading→
Becoming Good Caretakers of Abundance
Abundance manifests in two forms: flow and supply. It is in being grateful for one form, that the other form of abundant manifestation is called forth. Continue reading→
The Search For the Miraculous and Magical
Humanity has obsessively searched for the miraculous and the magical. Continue reading→