The Seer dressed up for Halloween… Continue reading→
Dean of the Qi Vesta
Anita Lucia has succeeded me as Dean of the Qi Vesta. When I originally accepted the position I was honored, but also felt it would be temporary. Continue reading→
Polluted By the Secular
If we separate the concepts of material and spiritual, then the spiritual can become polluted by the secular. Continue reading→
How Does One Master Death?
How does one master death? By refusing to regard it as inevitable, but rather as a self-empowered choice. Continue reading→
The Seer’s Last Book
What may well be the Seer’s last book will be released at the end of December 2019. Continue reading→
The Daily Map of Potential
The Daily Map of Potential becomes active on Saturday, January 18, 2020 (through October 31st, 2020). Continue reading→
When the Sun Sets
When the sun sets on that which was. Do not search for that which is to take its place. Continue reading→
Entering the Upper Heavens: the Last Retreat With the Seer
Made available by popular demand: the recordings of the Seer’s discourses at her final retreat, heralding the ‘graduation’ of the Original Ones to the Upper and Lower Heavens. Continue reading→
The Ashram of the Original Ones
The creation of an Ashram for the Original Ones to participate in, and for the Seer to live in, among the gods and goddesses on Earth. Continue reading→
Humor Is Part of Enlightenment
Life is full of the humorous and the ridiculous if we are ready to find it. Continue reading→