In the remaking of Almine’s spiritual journeys website, we are adding a whole lot of testimonials by you. Today I came across two such testimonials, which were more miracle stories than anything else. I haven’t seen them posted a lot elsewhere, so I thought to share them with you all. Enjoy!
Footsteps in the Snow
In my locksmith business I work with heavy safes, moving them in and out of buildings. One cold winter day, my assistant and I were trying to place an exceptionally heavy safe. As we maneuvered it, it tilted backwards and crushed my wrist against a wall. I knew by the ‘snap’ and excruciating pain flooding my body that it was broken. X-rays in a hospital emergency room confirmed that the bones had been completely fractured horizontally. Supplied with pain pills and scheduled to see a surgeon the following morning, I was sent home.
That night as my wife and I lay in bed, I woke to see Almine standing in front of us. I asked my wife if she could see her, too, and she could. Almine walked to the side of the bed where my injured arm lay and breathed directly on it. She then smiled, turned abruptly and left through the wall of the bedroom.
A heavy snow fell that night and the next morning my wife looked out the window and called excitedly to me. On the snow outside our bedroom window footsteps extended across the snow-covered lawn and disappeared.
Later, in the surgeon’s office another set of x-rays was taken. He was in disbelief as he compared them to the ones taken the day before. The broken bones were completely healed. ~ A Locksmith, Ontario, Canada
The Bike Accident
I was with Almine in the car when she stopped at a stop sign, and still not being able to see, she inched forward into the intersection. A motorbike came speeding down the road and she didn’t have time to back up. A minor accident ensued, and the motorbike owner was livid.
When he threw a fit of rage in the street, others gathered around him to give support. She came out of the car, calmly walked up in front of him and simply stood there. In that moment, in the eyes of everyone, she disappeared from sight. A few minutes later, she reappeared.
The motorbike rider had stopped in mid sentence, staring with wide eyes and dropping his jaw at the empty space before him. Then, he started apologizing and wished to fix his bike himself.
She calmly insisted that she would like to pay for it. However, he refused to take her money, saying that he was very handy and he would be happy to fix his own bike. He was white as a sheet as he got on his motorbike and sped away. When she turned around and came back to the car, she seemed completely unaware that she had temporarily disappeared. When I explained that to her, she calmly remarked, “Oh yes, that sometimes happens when I’m threatened.” ~ An Acupuncturist, Oregon, United States
Now, not all testimonials are this spectacular, but the more I am placing on the new website, the more I am noticing one thing: they are all heartfelt, honest experiences by people. I just couldn’t resist sharing this beautiful one-liner about a personal sound elixir, as an example:
This Sound Elixir was for my baby. Tears of joy are streaming… Thank you. ~ Jasha
If you wish to leave us a little testimonial about Almine, her teachings or something else, but you never really got around to it, then this is perhaps a good opportunity! We always love to hear from you. Share your story in the comment section with others and perhaps you will find your experience back on the new On behalf of Almine and her team I want to express my gratitude to all of you whom, throughout the years, have given us your feedback, be it in big miracle stories, or small words of gratitude. Thank you.
Lydia Yellowbird says
Thank you and I have learned so much just by remembering that post as I look at it today! Currents flowing! Beauty unfolding!
Lydia Yellowbird says
Hello Niels, I just have to share again, more fully, that before I met Almine, last April, I started seeing a great white snow owl, beginning around February, first sighting was during the day, it was flying above, in front of me on the right side so I couldn’t quite see what it was, like as not to scare me, because seeing owls for us is to be taken as a sign of death coming for one of our loved ones. But a snow owl with the most beautiful black spots, I did not know what to make of it! the only other time I had seen a great snow owl like this one was when my brother passed away! So I was very cautious!
I started seeing the snow owl in the same spot when I drove to work early in the morning, sometimes at 6 am, don’t know what I was doing at that time in the morning going to work! but I was and after work, like it was waiting for me. I did not tell anyone, this was my secret! then I found myself looking forward to seeing it! I stopped counting after the twelveth sighting!
I finally told my daughter, that I did not know what to make of it, but I was not afraid anymore! I did not feel it had to do with death! she asked my brother who is something like a shaman but I am confused by him and by his interpretations of dreams. We do not agree on many things. He told her, it is a good thing, good luck or something like that! then I forgot about it! the owl stopped waiting for me and I went on with my life!
I met Almine in April and my life was changed forever! I thank the great white snow owl for heralding her coming into my life, in a beautiful and tender way! I am crying with gratitude as I write this! The owl strengthened my trust in good and beautiful things!
As well before that, I had one dream of a great snow leopard who roared so loud at an assassin who was out to destroy me, this one along with his master had been after me for over three years! I felt like I was the one who roared, and I felt the roar in my being for many days after that and I never dreamt of that assassin again ever!
My youngest daughter had bought me two himalayan cats ( who were brothers) to keep me company! that was a small miracle because they helped me move about in order to feed them and clean up after them. At that time I was barely able to move, I was in such pain and agony at that time, all my joints were on fire, the doctor did not know what it was! still doesn’t!
Cats and miracles!
Owls and miracles!
Yes I believe! I love Almine with all my heart because her wisdom and vast experience have brought miracles into my life, I walk without pain, I move without pain and I am thankful every moment!
I am one who does not see beyond the veil as some of my siblings and grandchildren do! the miracles that have come my way have taken the route through my mind, in order to reach me, and teach me.
I have built up so much distrust because of my trauma and being under attack by so many since I can first remember! I became afraid of the dark because of my dreams! I used to be a long distance runner, training to run a mararthon of 26 miles like my grandpa did, running in the dark before the sun thought of rising! In the darkest hours of being under attack I found myself afraid to go out of my home! I woke up one morning at 3 am and I could not move! I almost gave up, almost said okay let me die then, this pain is too much! I have nowhere and no one to go to for help! I do not know how to fight this witchcraft! Let them win, they want me to die! I had gone to medicine men, sweats, other ceremonies, nothing helped. In that moment, the only thing that saved me and it was not because of my own life I was thinking of but the thought of my unborn grandchild! She pulled me out of that downward spiral!
I was able to get up, and say I will live then! I will stand up and walk on this earth because I have a right to be here! I didn’t want to be here but someone wants me here so I will find out what I am here to do!
Since I met Almine, I see things in a totally different perspective,time stopped, I feel more in my heart and I have allowed myself the freedom to accept what I do not understand with my mind. It will unfold in beauty!
So many things, moments of pearls strung together, like the moment I stepped out of my car and looked up and caught a mental photo of two dove pigeons facing each other, dark against the morning sky and leaves of the choke cherry tree, like a shadow box shaping a heart around them! My heart sang!
It has been a journey of peaks and valleys but always gentle and kind to me and I look forward to many more wonderful and beautiful experiences!
Thank you! I love you!
Diane says
Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.
Miriam says
Thank you, Lydia.
Niels says
As I am continuing with adding testimonials, another thing that strikes me is the huge amount of people who write they have cried, when they came across Almine’s teachings for the first time, or Almine herself. Even some who cried during the writing of their testimonial…
Now are we such a bunch of softies?
Nope. I think it is that very rare touching of your source that so seldom happens in our day to day life, that is so heart breaking when it does occur, that just opens the flood gates. A remembrance of something deeper, then, if you will…
Well, that was what I noticed…
Team Almine
Diane says
I would LOVE to see Almine disappear and reappear — deliberately or not. Almine has spoken of those, who are awakening into masterhood, being seduced by the world of showmanship. I see that as a pitfall, as well; but, frankly, I’d like to experience some of that magical stuff. On a day-to-day basis, it seems that our physical world is so much more real (heavy) than the vastness of our being. A job, family, house — all those distractions. And so, more miracles would be encouraging! I have experienced irrefutable and fantastic miracles — but I want more. Any tips?
Thanks for the testimonials. I must admit I am inspired. 🙂