Let the godbeings closely examine their own lives and realize that the desire to save and equalize the fate of others, stems from arrogance. Continue reading→
Ways To Be Abundant
Redefine what abundance means. Continue reading→
Five Basic Rules Of Abundance
Abundance comes in many forms, and to acknowledge this, increases the areas of abundance you enjoy Continue reading→
The Financial World
Do you know about when (month/year?) we should get our cash out of banks? Continue reading→
Becoming Good Caretakers of Abundance
Abundance manifests in two forms: flow and supply. It is in being grateful for one form, that the other form of abundant manifestation is called forth. Continue reading→
Advanced Spellcasting for Abundance
I learned by heart several spells from the Book of Spells and repeat them 50% of the day mostly inside myself and partially out loud. I started learning them more than a year ago and now I do them all the time. Every time I repeat them I also envision abundance, a clear mind, etc. Please comment on this Continue reading→
The Love of Money and Security (Misdirected Value Systems)
A lady with excess weight tripped and fell face first in front of us. Other than a few scrapes and a bleeding nose, she was fine. Do you see a deeper message in any of this? Continue reading→
Reprogramming for Boundlessness (Why Abundance Fails)
In this transmission, Almine lists the various factors contributing to the extreme disintegration in human society. She promises to create a Christmas gift for increasing resources to all, and she illuminates the seldom understood reason why abundance fails. Continue reading→
Happy Holidays!
With so much love in my heart, I wish you a holiday season full of blessings and abundance, and the awareness to recognize them. – Almine Continue reading→
Tuscany Retreat for Abundant Resources (The Seer Almine Podcast #7)
In this episode of The Seer Almine, Rogier and Malue discuss the how and why of the Tuscany Mastery and Magic Retreat in November. Continue reading→