What aspects within humans are the origin of such excellence… Continue reading→
Grateful Acknowledgment of What Is
Nothing transcends itself unless it is first seen for the value it has provided. Grateful acknowledgment of what is, is the beginning of greater things to come. Nothing transcends itself unless it is first seen for the value it has provided. Grateful acknowledgment of what is, is the beginning of greater things to come. Continue reading→
A New Generation of Power Sigils
From the moment I saw Almine draw the first Power Sigil for the Resurrected Life, I was in awe. They are masterpieces. Each one has a specially chosen and one of a kind carefully crafted background – a work of art by itself. Continue reading→
Almine’s Art Chosen to Represent the USA
By invitation, Almine’s work was chosen to represent the USA in the prestigious art book, INTERNATIONALE KUNST HEUTE 2015, which represents contemporary artists from over 54 countries. This book is published in Germany and available internationally. Continue reading→
A Critique of Almine’s Art
Art Critique of Almine’s Work by Dr. Ingrid Gardill, Art Historian and Co-author of Internationale Kunst Heute 2014 The works of the artist Almine have been described as “Paintings of Light”. Indeed, it seems as though the images are lit from behind. The fluid, abstract shapes therefore may be said to resemble stained glass windows,… Continue reading→
Ceremony Update (Time Shift)
Somehow within our curious time awareness of late*, we – of Team Almine – have managed to announce on the Diary the Solstice Ceremony as starting a day too soon. In this post we indicated Friday June 20, when in reality this should’ve been Saturday, June 21. But rather than now push back everything a… Continue reading→
Summer Solstice Ceremony 2014 – Everything You Need to Know
This upcoming Friday takes place the Summer Solstice Ceremony for 2014. Are you excited to join in? Here are all the details you need to know: The event page: http://ascension.net/summer-solstice-ceremony-2014 The main ceremony runs all day Friday, June 20th Saturday, June 21st, from midnight to midnight – PST There will be a ‘pre-launch ceremony’, starting at… Continue reading→
Cosmic Pen-Pals
You might have heard a rumor about the Star Transmissions of Light that are all the buzz in Almine’s Down the Rabbit Hole 4. Now, we got Almine to sit down in front of a camera to share more information on these art pieces that are the Star Transmissions of Light. Enjoy! Find out more… Continue reading→
Illusional Relationships – Blast From The Past Pt. 7
During the vacation period we will feature little snippets from Almine’s old diaries. Called the “Blast from the Past”-series, it gives a perfect opportunity to see how Almine’s teachings and insights have deepened over the years or to dive into forgotten corners of the teachings. We think you will enjoy! Illusional Relationships The Additional Illusional… Continue reading→
Spring Cleaning With Announcements
Today we are doing some much needed spring cleaning in the form of a bunch of announcements. Contact Talk Radio (CTR) links Our good friends at CTR are changing their archives around. This has a direct effect on the links of radio shows hosted there (like Awakening from the Dream and Onkenbaar) that have been… Continue reading→