It would help them in their lives in the soul world, which would minimize the ‘hard-knock learning’ in their next life. Continue reading→
How Does One Master Death?
How does one master death? By refusing to regard it as inevitable, but rather as a self-empowered choice. Continue reading→
My Death Experience
After a week of preparation, the Seer Almine gave permission for her heart to be stopped for several seconds. Continue reading→
How Death Was Created
Almine describes the vacuum that originally arose from our not living the Tones of Glad Expectation, and how it was filled with the Tones of Death. Continue reading→
The Commitment to Life
Q. Is there any reason other than belief systems formed from social conditioning, as to why death has such a foothold amongst humanity? A. The first reason is guilt. The body, soul and spirit struggle for supremacy and control in our lives. While alive, the body is in control. Spirit tries to tell us that the body is an unholy and unworthy vehicle for our existence. Thus, we try and prove that we are worthy of life… Continue reading→
Aging and Enlightenment – the Great Myth
In man’s stages of evolution, most who go into God-consciousness think they have arrived at enlightenment and stay there. It is as much of an addiction to be in expanded awareness as it is to be in contracted awareness. Both bring old age and death. Expanded awareness brings stagnation – as does all over-polarization into… Continue reading→
Perpetual Rejuvenation through Mastering Opposites
The art of rejuvenation, unknown to the masses, has long been practiced, with varying degrees of success, in the mystery schools of the world. Locked away from corrupting influences of man, these mystics have attempted to disengage from the grid that programs the death and life cycles of man. These practitioners of the rejuvenation methods,… Continue reading→
Almine’s Caribbean Treasure Hunt – Winner Month 2, Assignment Month 3
Once I got started I had pages of research, with many background notes for my own use. I found this exercise so valuable! And reading others entries have so enlarged my understanding. What a super idea this ‘contest’ is! ~ Barbara Kathryn Winner Month 2 It is time to announce the winner of month 2… Continue reading→
Why Death Is Not The Answer
An Interview with the Seer Almine by Ronni Q. There seems to be a tremendous rise in suicide statistics, as well as self-injury, which has become a sort of fashion among the young. Can you give us some answers during this interview to firstly understand death, and secondly, to comprehend why death is not the… Continue reading→
Sound Elixirs Bridging Death?
Today we share a very personal question to Almine about sound elixirs. Question: “My mother died yesterday morning. May I ask how this sound elixir can still work for her? Thanks for letting me know. It is perhaps something that Almine can answer that would benefit everyone to understand how a sound elixir can still… Continue reading→