What is the meaning of a dream symbol of a snake strike or snake bite’s poison, or a snake acting in a hostile way? Continue reading→
The Boot Represents Understanding
I also found a pair of shorts stuffed in my boot. What does this mean? Continue reading→
Fire Means Rapid Destructuring
Fire represents destructuring or dramatic change… Continue reading→
Dreaming of Almine Impostors
Recently I had a dream where I was talking to our beloved Almine; nothing seemed unusual. But when I came up face to face with her, her beautiful eyes changed in appearance. They turned from their usual color to… Continue reading→
Where Do We Go When We Dream?
If the soul world, where we go when we dream or die, is integrated into our physical, awake world when we’re resurrected — where do we go when we dream? Continue reading→
Almine’s Gifts to You!
Some years back, Almine created a cookbook to benefit the children of Northern Ireland. This cookbook, and another are available as free gifts to enjoy over the holidays (downloadable pdf format). Everyone will enjoy her essays and the recipes contain measurements in US and metric standards – informative and interesting reading. In addition, lovely photos… Continue reading→
Can Movies Affect Us?
Almine answers a few questions for us about demons, the soul world and dream-time. Continue reading→
Free Dream Dictionary – New 2014 Edition
Expanded edition, updated with your suggested dream symbols By popular request Almine has updated her dream symbology book. Filled with 80 pages worth of symbols to interpret the messages of both the dream and awake time, this is an invaluable tool for your spiritual growth and Almine’s gift to you. The importance of understanding the language… Continue reading→
Despise Not Your Humanness
This is such a beautiful thing to remember and remind ourselves of. As we walk the path of ascension, and the mystical journey with Almine, we need to remember that our bodies are part of the journey. Something I have either overlooked (also on purpose), or just forgotten. Often we don’t see the body as… Continue reading→
Spiritualized Matter
“Man has 4 bodies: the physical, the lower dream body that accesses the 12 shallow states of dreaming and the two highest bodies that enter the 12 deepest dream states. Because physicality is also a dream, we could describe all of these as dream bodies. The two highest bodies are the ones we use in… Continue reading→