The Seer asks that our Lightfamily do all 5 levels of Kaanish Belvaspata, for America. Continue reading→
The Integration Of The Opposites Of Guilt And Innocence
It is only when we hold onto it, that it becomes a musical discordance. Continue reading→
The Gift Awaiting Humanity
This is the gift awaiting humanity along its journey of evolution. Continue reading→
Finding Wisdom and Innocence – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “letting power flow through your being”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of January 05 – January 11, 2014 Fully participate in the joyous adventure of discoveries of new opportunities this week brings. Watch from an eternal perspective your experiences of the moment,… Continue reading→
Being New Born – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “emerging out of oppression”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of October 27 – November 02, 2013 This week your sensitivity will be very heightened. Avoid violent images and films, or anything that could disturb your innocence. It is as though you are… Continue reading→
Lightness After the Intensity – Weekly Predictions by Almine
What an eventful week it has been, with our live stream yesterday and also the monthly ceremony. Here is Almine’s prediction for the upcoming week: Prediction for the week of January 27 – February 02, 2013 There is a lightness to this week that will be felt as a gift after the intensity of the… Continue reading→
Child-Like Wonderment to Light Up Your Days – Weekly Predictions By Almine
With the new weekend comes Almine’s newest prediction for the week to come. Prediction for the week of December 16 – December 22, 2012 This is the week of remembered innocence. Allow child-like wonderment to light up your days. Be fully present in all experiences. Gratitude through awareness will increase what you delight in. Remember… Continue reading→
The Eternal Moment (Beyond Light & Frequency Part 2)
Straight from Almine’s latest newsletter… As beings of light, we have had the inclination to want to know. The need to know and the interpretation of experiences creates linear becoming which leads to cyclical change. To move beyond, we must understand how to truly experience without trying to know. We find that when we hold on to plans, preferring one moment… Continue reading→
What Is The Gift? – Recapitulation Pt. 4
Let us continue today with our ongoing series about the spiritual tool of recapitulation, as found in Almine’s beautiful book A Life of Miracles, that is just filled with these kinds of tools. We have already posted parts 1, 2 and 3, so be sure to check those posts out as well. When we left you, we just discussed… Continue reading→
The Complement Of Knowingness – Innocence Pt. 2
Today we share the second part of our posts, with a deeper understanding into innocence. See the first post here. Innocence by itself is incomplete Knowingness allows us the inter-connectedness of life to see Together they must be joined that life whole can be Innocence alone attracts that which is predatory What is knowingness but… Continue reading→