Emotional karma gets resolved in the soul world and the more they can dissolve there, the more gracefully their future unfolds. Continue reading→
Dissolving Karma Through the Insights of Timemaps
Question: How are we to interpret lines that end in several different letters/numbers on the rim of the Timemap? Continue reading→
Mapping Your Karma in 2019 (With Alchemical Runes)
In her second retreat week in December, 2018, the Seer discusses the upcoming Timemap; how it works with the ninth Rune deck, mapping karma and the 1440 inner senses. Continue reading→
What About the Hard Lessons That Come Because We Resist Life?
Question re: erasing drama and karma
What about the hard lessons that come because we resist life? Continue reading→
Soul Karma
In the soul world of the dead (aka ‘the spirit world’) there is karma for emotional distress caused to others. Continue reading→
The Time Is Now For The Resourcefulness Of The Individual To Bear Fruit
Another candid video interview with Almine that was done by ThatChannel.com. This one hails from October of 2013 and in it she discusses -among many subjects- what goes on in a retreat, aliens saving us, information from channels, the changing of linear time, change through crisis, the Syria situation, the building blocks of life, the… Continue reading→
Why Death Is Not The Answer
An Interview with the Seer Almine by Ronni Q. There seems to be a tremendous rise in suicide statistics, as well as self-injury, which has become a sort of fashion among the young. Can you give us some answers during this interview to firstly understand death, and secondly, to comprehend why death is not the… Continue reading→
The Evolution of Power (Part 1)
The world around us can only be changed without karmic repercussions if we change it indirectly. If we try and change it directly, we are trying to force our will onto the ever changing flow of existence. This is, in the broadest sense, a form of black magic – no matter how well intended we… Continue reading→
Overcoming the Need for Death
MESSAGES FROM THE ANGELS PART II – Overcoming the Need for Death: As the wisdom from the Lemurian Angels continues to come through, they describe the repercussions of what occurs during ascension and descension of light and frequency, including the root causes of emotions of shame and guilt. When left unchecked, these emotions cause regret… Continue reading→
Invitation Of The Goddesses – The 16 Goddesses Pt. 1
We share with you today the first part of a series of four New Paradigms through Ancient Records shows, which will deal with restoring the balance between the masculine and feminine by integrating the 16 goddess archetypes. In our masculine cosmos, the feminine has often times been valued and expressed as less than the masculine…. Continue reading→