Infinite Alchemy works with the fractal patterns of the cosmos. A simple original pattern duplicates itself over and over again, with increasing added complexity. By focusing on the original simple pattern, and changing that, all other generations of patterns immediately change. Continue reading→
Manifesting From Godhood – Insights From The Lemurian Angels 3/3
Creating reality Creating reality from within the human matrix, is the equivalent of a flat, two-dimensional movie screen that gives the impression of three-dimensionality. Creatively manifesting from the god-kingdom is like virtual reality, in that it provides more depth of living and intensity of experience. This creates intense emotions – a reason why the negative… Continue reading→
Life is Becoming More Spiritual
In her New Year’s Address, Almine explains how life is becoming more spiritual, more effortless and fuller. She explains how ‘the true end of 2012’ – in late February 2013 – was a precondition for this, and she discusses the function of angelic gods in stabilizing our cosmos and the many catastrophes and wars that… Continue reading→
Archangels of Lemuria
Almine speaks about the Night of the Angels, and the Archangels to be called into existence this night. Go to event:
Accepting the Unacceptable and Emotions as a Tool of Guidance – Insights from The Lemurian Angels 2/3
We are so excited about the upcoming free global ceremony which is a glorious celebration of the Lemurian Angels. Their exquisite music – sound healing of profound depth – will be played as well as recorded audios of their insights in different languages will be presented. The advent of their coming forth and giving us… Continue reading→
The Chakras of Inner and Outer Space – Insights from The Lemurian Angels 1/3
Lemurian Angels Over the coming few weeks Malue will be back on the diary, posting 3 posts on the insights of the Lemurian Angels. Today’s post is a nice warm up to next week’s Night of the Angels. Enjoy! ~*~ Who are The Lemurian Angels Almine has often spoken about the fact that there are… Continue reading→
Living Only to Procreate
When god beings are in intimate relationships with humans it is important that their god hormones function strongly enough to override the human hormones that are genitally transferred through sexual intercourse. If they do not, they can be drawn in to the lower evolutionary motivation of living to procreate. In the second half of this… Continue reading→
Your Unique Angel Elixir
Last year we had the Global Earth Chant Ceremony on the summer solstice in which Almine sang for 72 hours worth of your Earth Chants. People gathered together all over the world to join in on 3 days worth of ceremony, meditation and contemplation. Everywhere people jumped into this ceremony with their own purchased Earth… Continue reading→
The Space Between Words
“In speaking mind to mind, or even heart to heart, we speak the shallow words of deception. No two perspectives can converse and the perspective of each is unique. Let your words flow from the eternal silence of your infinite song, that the depth of your being may touch that of another, between your words.”… Continue reading→
Lemurian Angels – Part 10
In this series of videos, Almine calls 300 Lemurian Angels by singing their names. These are angels 180-200.