For the Month of November Only… Continue reading→
Important Message From The Seer
The 5G satellites are only partially in place and yet, although dozens of top scientists are warning that they are turning this planet into a giant microwave oven that will cause cancer and death, the project still proceeds. Continue reading→
Sacred Space Oil Sale
The Sacred Space oil works in conjunction with the Sacred Space bath salts to clear and combat the detrimental effects of the hostile electromagnetic (EMF) waveforms we are continuously being bombarded with from cell towers, cellphones, and numerous other sources. Continue reading→
How I Removed the Stealth Soldier From My Home?
How did you get rid of the stealth soldier in your house? Previously you said that he could somehow see you because you were both in a kind of stealth mode. Continue reading→
The Extended Light Explosion Protocol
Take a deep breath, and forcing it out, visualize an explosion of light from the center of the body in a sphere – moving outward through homes, family, pets, property, vehicles, etc. Repeat this with all the colors. Continue reading→
Your Sacred Space Is Tested Now More Than Ever
The qualities of the three additional colors are more tested than ever. Some of the prophecies I gave as to why they will be needed are starting to come to pass. Continue reading→
Making the EMF Products Accessible for Our European Lightfamily
Because of the importance for you to repair the cellular damage of many years, I have arranged for you to avoid the expensive shipping costs from the USA to Europe, and you will now be able to have the EMF products that have been fully blessed and have had their Alchemy meticulously done by me shipped from within Europe. Continue reading→
Can I Print My Own Sacred Space T-Shirt?
Question: Can I have the source file for the EMF t-shirt sigil? I’ve found a tracksuit that has the exact same color and would like to have the local print shop print it on there. How do I proceed with this? Almine: No Dearest, it cannot be done. The sigil is only one half of… Continue reading→
Can I Lay the Sacred Space Sigils Under My Bed?
Can I lay those three sigils for EMF, ELF and geopathic stress on top of each other, underneath my bed? Continue reading→
Repairing and Augmenting the Cellular Matrix
The Seer Almine identifies the functions of the July and August ceremonies as enhancing and augmenting, respectively, the electrical and frequency components of the cellular matrix. But because EMF ravages the cell, it must first be restored to what it was, which is where the Sacred Space tools come in… Continue reading→