Why am I manifesting discord between those in my environment? Continue reading→
The Grids That Surround Psychoactive Substances
Question: Please clarify what you mean by substances that “shift the mood”. Do you mean psychoactive? CBD oil, for example, is (supposedly) not psychoactive, while THC oil (also a cannabinoid) is… Does not, for example, PSY-Stabil also shift the mood? What about alcohol? Continue reading→
The Spiritual Warrior’s Code (Pt. 2)
A few days ago we shared ‘from the vaults’ the spiritual warrior’s code, part 1. In today’s post we share part 2. The spiritual warrior’s concepts are a key component of the art of balanced shamanism. As such we wanted to share this recording because 2 of Almine’s upcoming retreats will be her Shamanic Men’s… Continue reading→
The Spiritual Warrior’s Code
In this audio Almine explains about the difficult subject of throwing out your truths out of the window, spinning on a dime and changing in fluidity. Also, how does on deal with overwhelming odds? This is a golden oldie that you might have heard before from Almine, but it is great to listen to again…. Continue reading→
Magic and the Toltec Warrior
Almine discusses the archetypal roles of the Sage and the Warrior in the reality of magic. This is the second video in Almine’s discourse Reclaiming the Cosmic Underworld, recorded at the Shamanic Women’s Retreat in September 2013. http://www.spiritualmastery.com/ask-almine-anything/ http://www.alminewisdom.com/collections/godhood
Learning the Spiritual Warrior’s Code
In this audio Almine talks about the difficult subject of throwing your truths out of the window, spinning on a dime and changing in fluidity. Also, how does on deal with overwhelming odds? This audio is one from the vaults! We are gathering them all on Almine’s new spiritualjourneys.com under the header “The Basics“. In… Continue reading→
New Concepts For Spiritual Warriorship – A Glimpse Into The World Of Toltec Nagual Shamans Pt. 3
Today we share the third installment of our little “glimpse into the world of Toltec Naguals” series, to give the current online course “Mystical Secrets of the Toltec Way” a bit more of a context and background. Today’s episode is about the new concepts for Toltec shamans since their age old tradition began to change… Continue reading→
What Is A Nagual Shaman? – A Glimpse Into The World Of Toltec Nagual Shamans Pt. 2
To give the current online course “Mystical Secrets of the Toltec Way” a bit more of a context and background, we are dusting off our knowledge about the original Toltec way. Today, part 2! Man is unique within the cosmos in mirroring the macrocosm, giving him extraordinary potential for power and growth. But, within humanity… Continue reading→
“Proverbial Butt Kicking” – A Glimpse Into The World Of Toltec Nagual Shamans Pt. 1
The ancient Toltec traditions speak of the Toltec shamanic way as having come from the Mother of Creation Herself. Mother saw that corruption of the masculine grids would occur, which would in turn corrupt the feminine grids. She created the way of shamanism to rectify the grids, the pathways along which information flows, to form… Continue reading→
My Relationship With My Mother Has Changed Completely!
A few weeks ago Jane from Ireland left a superb comment in the Music of Inner Space post. We are reposting a part of it here. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Thank you Jane! “My mother and I are both doing the chronic disease program and we are having a lot of… Continue reading→