Q: What is the specific significance of this particular baby being born to your family at this time?
A: At the beginning of December 2012, time as we knew it in its linear progression ended and centrifugal time (eternal time , moving in centrifugal rings out from a causal point) was born. But it did not last beyond the end of April 2013. The vertical / horizontal axis of inner and outer space as lived by individuals (see stalkers versus dreamers in Journey to the Heart of God), pulled us back into linear time.
This has caused planetary discomfort (wars, droughts , floods etc) because we regressed into what should have become obsolete.
During the upcoming blood moon, these two divergent world views will integrate within our lives. This will increase the potency of individual actions. We must strive to walk in mastery and act thoughtfully and with great consideration of the consequences.
I feel the flood of magnificent beauty in this child
Holy time for us and holy work. We are here for such a time as this. I sit in awe and bliss and yet great anticipation. Thank you!
Thank you so much for this clarification on what happened in April 2013. I could feel it!
Thank you Almine for your guiding presence. with LPGT at this remarkable magical journey 🙂