We invite you to revisit Entering Godhood 3 online course, and we share the following quote from the Diary post of August 28, 2013, The Red Dragon and the Fallen Angels:
In the third part of Entering Godhood, Almine will continue her elaboration of the 300 principles of godhood. She will also explore recent insights into the Red Dragon who fought versus Archangel Michael and was cast into a bottomless pit, taking one third of the angels[1] with him – as recorded in the Book of Revelation. These angels were mind-controlled by the Dragon, and “our task”, says Almine, “is to set them free”.
The Angel Gods, which represent the nervous system in the body, have long been suppressed and dominated by the Dragon, or mind – inhibiting our access to that which mind cannot see. As we set the captured angels free by living the principles of godhood, we awaken the currently suppressed areas of our nervous system, enabling us to see interdimensionally, closing the gap between cause & effect and living the magic life.
View all of Almine’s online courses that are currently available, including the Entering Godhood trilogy here.
[1] In the polarity of opposites, angels represent order and are traditionally valued as good, while Demons represent chaos and are commonly considered to be bad.
Thank you Team A for keeping us up to date with Almine’s developments and for keeping S. Journeys afloat. Wishing you my beloved one a speedy recovery. You have touched so many lifes with your beautiful light and I am confident that you will pull through as always… I have never met you but I feel like I know you on a deeper, cellular level… Thank you for everything you have given to humanity over the past years. This has been an incredible journey which I am deeply grateful for.
I have noticed a lot of distructuring all around me – friends, acquaintances, family members … suddenly leaving or getting sick… It has been a rocky ride for many. Things are shifting fast and I am hoping a new and brighter reality is awaiting in not too distant future. As Jan said in her post it’s really important for the Light Family to be the role models and take the driver’s seat and start living these truths the best we can.
Thanks again for sharing and much love to you all. LPG
Thank you to all those who have posted comments of clarity, grace and loving support for Almine and her family. Team Almine (which is currently composed of 2 staff persons and several much-valued volunteers) also appreciates your ongoing, dedicated support. With the tools that Almine has shared with the world so generously, may we live the unique perspective of mastery that we each embody – emulating her ongoing, steadfast and exemplary steps.
Oh, divine synchronicity! I have re-listened to all this course today, did entering godhood 3 ceremony while dedicating it to Almine.
Dearest Almine may all hearts know the miraculous gift of Thy luminous Presence!
You are the only pristine Voice I know and the Fountain of One Life.
Much love