A few of my friends and I are detoxing spontaneously. What is the explanation?
Almine’s Answer:
We are cleaning up the Pacific Ocean, dearest. (For additional details, see Almine’s message of January 5, 2017, How You Can Prevent the Death of the Pacific Ocean). You are by proxy cleaning the fluids in your body.
You may also be interested in the Sigil for the Purification of the Waters of the Earth (©2014). Click here to download.
I very rarely get sick and recover quickly, if i do. This past week, I have been felled by the nastiest bug I have ever experienced, despite employing my entire arsenal to ease the impact. I thought: I will endure this gladly if I am, by proxy, purifying on a larger scale….otherwise, it felt like a failing. I believed that I had more control over my physical integrity. Thank you for the affirmation.
PS – My filtered water sits in a glass pitcher over the Sigil for the Purification of the Waters of the Earth (inspired by Rune Grandmaster Anna in Ireland)
Wonderful!!!!!! My deepest gratitude to us all, for doing our part in cleaning the Pacific ocean, and to those physically detoxing on behalf of the Pacific Ocean and all of us!