Following yesterday’s fascinating post about the Sigil of Blahut and the Lemurian Angels, today we’ll dive into the miracles of everyday life, the miracles we may not even recognise and the ones we do! Almine has often said that miracles become commonplace once we start to live without judgement and see behind the appearances. When we trust infinite unfolding, surrender to it and live in the eternal moment. When we dissolve our illusions of belief systems. And this last one is particularly relevant for many people I think, because many miracles do actually happen, but they don’t see them because they don’t believe it could happen in the first place!

One of the angels of Redemption. Angel name: Avrana-el. This angel embodies the principle of: Life only reveals that which is real and magical to one with a poetic perspective. Others only see that which is not.
The wonders and magical things surrounding us is evident once we start looking for them and I find that my ability of creating and seeing “miracles” have increased tremendously since I started this journey with Almine and all of you beautiful beings of light. From little things like asking for a parking spot to manifesting the exact amount of money I need, from connecting more deeply with nature and have the plants and animals communicate with me to creating harmonious circumstances around previously dysfunctional patterns in my surroundings.
How have you experienced miracles and do you even call them that? How about synchronicities? Is that the same? I tend to find that synchronicities increase with increased awareness but also actually when I ask for them or ask for guidance. For example some years ago I asked the angels to physically show me feathers to sort of confirm that they were actually there (hmm). And lo and behold, feathers showed up everywhere, massively.
On our beautiful forum,, Niels has created “The Miracle Corner” for us to share our stories and experiences. Please do go and have a look and feel free to comment or share your own story! I believe that the more we hear about each other’s stories and share our own, the more miracles we will experience in our lives. Dhani has just described a miraculous 3 weeks of her life. So inspiring!
Alchemy is the process where you leverage results into a much higher level than by a mere physical reaction. High alchemy then is the process where you as a practitioner is part of the equation. Maybe you could call it a conscious miracle worker, because this is what actually (also) happens when you do the Qi Vesta, which is The Alchemy of the One – that which breathes life into manifestation. If you haven’t already done this course and would like to have a closer look, please follow this link to read more! (This course is soon available in danish also)
We’d love to hear your thoughts and comments or experiences in the comments section below!
1st post today
Everything changes when you find that you are that miracle through which the life pulsates… Love from Jeannette Mariae
“I am the miracle through which life pulsates”. I have added this to my daily affirmations. Thank you, Jannette Mariae!
You are most welcome, Devapriya…. 😉
That’s beautifully said Jeanette, we are in truth the greatest miracle 🙂
I enjoy reading your perspectives in the diary entries Malue! Thank you for being an expression to the dance we partake in ~*~
Thank you Rei, that is so nice to hear! I truly enjoy sharing with you and and am deeply grateful for the inspiration we can all give and be to each other.
With love and gratitude