She went on to say that, as soon as Mother assigned them hobbies, their shoes would have various colors. Continue reading→
Search Results for: fairies
Winners Almine Miracle Story Competition
With gratitude in our hearts for all of you sharing, we announce today the winners of the Almine miracle story ‘competition’. From all of your entries we blindly picked 3 winners (yes, 3! Almine wanted an extra winner). They are: Doris Cutknife – Hobbema Reserve, Canada Andrey Goncharov, Russia And our extra winner is Holly… Continue reading→
Fairy Potions
The following potions were gifted to us by the Fairies from Venus … Continue reading→
Creating A Magical Relationship
Such an innocent approach will create the miracle of a magical garden. Continue reading→
Lyra Fairies Birthday
Today we want to wish the Earth fairies from Lyra a very Happy Birthday! Continue reading→
The Last One Of The Year
Having performed that function for ages, their assignments on Earth will mirror what they are used to doing. Continue reading→
The Fairy Video
Many have seen the photo of Almine dancing with a green Fairy, but you may not know of the video footage of Team Almine’s Gian interacting and playing with Fairies. In this recording, made on his iPad, Gian shows his playful side to generate a response from the fairies in his room – which he… Continue reading→
Fairies Are About
There seems to be a renewed effort from the fairy kingdom to get our undivided attention…is it in order to ‘prove’ or validate their existence?… the inability to perceive fairies seems to be blocked by the minds of those who deny existence of anything they can’t ‘see’ with their physical eyes. Continue reading→
Birthday Wishes
The following seven secrets were given to me by the two fairies: Aaaashviishmaaashooeesh and Miichshaaooeevaaoom. Continue reading→
Why We Can’t See Fairies – A Mystic’s Perspective
Throughout diverse cultures, fairy tales and folk legends can be accessed at two different levels; either as entertaining tales with a moral message, or well-disguised, deep esoteric truths revealing secrets about the human psyche or the hidden realms. One puzzling factor has always caught the attention of students of folk stories. Amongst the great variety… Continue reading→