Dissolving Density/Sacred Sexuality Using the Stomach and the Chakras In this recording, aired on Almine’s Contact Talk Radio show, Awakening from the Dream, shows us how to digest density, which is the true function of the stomach. This is the first step in a new form of sexuality introduced by Almine. This astoundingly profound exercise… Continue reading→
Almine Interview TODAY!
We’re delighted to inform you that Almine will do an interview today, 8/22/11 at 1 pm PST on Contact Talk Radio. Click here to enjoy listening to Almine’s interview – click “Listen Now” ! Update: The show was posted in the archive. You can listen to it here. 1st post today
Forever I Am Changed
Many of Almine’s online courses are now available as a full download on the Spiritual Journeys Store. For those students who wish to take a course, and would like all of the materials at once, rather than downloading them day by day, this is a convenient option. Almine’s most sought after online courses are all… Continue reading→
Keeping Yourself Small
As usual, during the Copenhagen retreat a lot of deep insights came to Almine and the gathered students. To give you just a little idea, here is a subject we discussed at the beginning of the retreat. On the very first day of the retreat, Almine asked us to examining our own lives for examples… Continue reading→
Paintings Of Light
In this video you can see a showcase of Almine’s exquisite digital artwork, described as “Paintings of Light”. You can also visit her website with even more light elixirs, for example from the angels of love, praise and gratitude. Paintings of Light website ~*~ Well, vacation time is over. We’d like to thank Jan for… Continue reading→
Free from Polarity
Emotions are a means of ensnaring the great and affirming relationships of polarity. Moving lightly through life, free from emotions and thinking we know (which is light), we are able to experience life at any level without being trapped by it. Almine gives a powerful and insightful meditation filled with practical guidance (a ‘how-to’ for) Digesting Density. Listen… Continue reading→
Mastery and Bliss
The greatest pollutant of the one who lives in the excellence of great mastery is emotion and light. There exists beyond these, fluid illumination, a surrendered state of being that could be called the deep bliss of automatic action.
Living Our Highest
The one who lives from the capstone will become isolated, withdrawing from human experiences, unless he or she carries the capstone vision into the experiences of the base of the pyramid. He or she must not forget the level they are capable of living even as they enjoy fleeting experiences with the masses. Our beautiful,… Continue reading→
Capstone of Excellence
To be the capstone of excellence does not mean one is not always also the whole pyramid. To engage in the base of the pyramid while losing sight of the high level of expression that is the authentic and true comfort zone of a great one causes rejection, and or, entanglement and opposition from tribes… Continue reading→
The Symphony of Life and the Single Note of Existence
The one who excels but tries to make himself less in order to fit in, often does so because he does not want to admit his greatness, thinking it to be arrogance. The exquisite beauty of existence includes complexity of expressions. The giraffe pretending he cannot reach the top branches of the tree because the… Continue reading→