World Belvaspata Day: 31st December 2011 We are so happy to announce our very first world Belvaspata day. Join us and numerous Belvaspata practitioners around the world and unite in this unprecedented outpouring of shared knowledge and miracles on radio shows and recorded messages, streaming into your home. What a way to end your year!… Continue reading→
The Truth About Sacred Sexuality
As was mentioned in our most recent newsletter, this upcoming Awakening from the Dream radio show will be about the truth about sacred sexuality. The men’s shamanic retreat currently held at Almine’s home in Oregon is yielding some fabulous insight on this subject. So check in this Saturday at 11am PST with a rebroadcast at… Continue reading→
Silence Observing Movement Within Itself
Life cannot be imagined without polarity, it must be experienced without defining it. Creation was fashioned within duality. There is neither silence nor movement, but silence observing the movement within itself. To live without directions in spacelessness, requires the complete surrender of a child discovering life with trust for the first time. Three beautiful insights from the Saradesi –… Continue reading→
Señoras Y Señores
“Apparent separation within the indivisible occurs because of the use of perspectives – seeing one part of the greater self only, makes it seem as though the rest is not there. If we continue to believe the limiting perspective to be all that is, we eventually become trapped by our own perspective.” ~ From Almine’s impressive online course The… Continue reading→
Shining Beyond The Grayness Of The Unaware Masses
Yesterday we shared a beautiful piece of Almine’s second book Journey to the Heart of God. You can read that post here. Well, you are in luck! We’ve got another inspirational piece from that same book lined up for you today. Shining Your Light Traditionally, it hasn’t been safe to let our light shine; to demonstrate… Continue reading→
Life Is Not A Camp
The following text comes from Almine’s second book Journey to the Heart of God. Sit back and enjoy! There is a saying, “Life is a journey, not a camp”. We are either moving forward or moving backwards, but we are never standing still. In the vast river of change we call life, any life form either moves with it,… Continue reading→
Life Is No Longer A Reflection
In our newest episode of New Paradigms through Ancient Records we talk about an amazing event in the cosmos that has unfolded on august 16th of this year. On that day, after Almine’s Copenhagen retreat yielded a very powerful meditation that combined the body, soul and spirit of the participants into one, the universe developed… Continue reading→
Before We Had Our Artificial Moon
Here you will find the three primary archangels of rejoicing. You can call upon them and their legions of assisting angels to help live a life of pure joy. The wheel helps to bring them in. The 3 primary archangels are: Piratru Kaarahit Arkpra-ur Do check out earlier posts where we’ve shared some of these kind… Continue reading→
No Need For Being Acceptable
In recent posts we shared the instincts of the mind and the instincts of the heart, as well as corresponding radio shows where we delved deep into these instincts and the importance of eliminating them. Well, the triad wasn’t yet complete. Today we will post the instincts of survival to complete the series. Eliminating the… Continue reading→
A List Of Recent Radio Shows
In this newest edition of Awakening from the Dream Almine shares a tremendous powerful practice to usher in the higher function of the stomach, dissolve density and make the first steps to a new form of sexuality. Else, Rogier, David and Niels discuss what would happen if a master would come across his past self…. Continue reading→