In this videoclip below, recorded at the men’s retreat in september 2012, Almine speaks about how we are persecuted according to the bell-shaped curve. This is a condition many wayshowers on the planet today share and it often starts in the early childhood. And I guess it is something we have carried with us for eons of time.
Like the witch hunts just a few hundred years ago have given us “scars” and a deep rooted fear of getting burned at the stake if we practice our natural abilities, healing or communication with nature, today we get persecuted in more or less subtle ways, just for being jewish, redhaired, overweight, too skinny etc.
I was persecuted for many different things, including being smart. One of my survival strategies as a child was to be a good girl and good student. And even that has gotten me into trouble, also as an adult, where I was excluded by my peers for doing too well at the exams for example. Not to mention being reduced down and told that I wasn’t spiritual enough since I didn’t feel the truth of what everybody else in that sort of environment was saying. I’m sure many of you know how that feels? This has probably been the biggest pain of them all, to not be understood or fit in with the (“spiritual”) masses.
What have you done in order to stay below the radar? How have you compensated for those attributes that others thought were faulty? I have done many sneaky things to avoid the negative attention, and I am just beginning to realize that many of my perceived flaws are actually my greatest strenghts.
So, the masses try to keep all in mediocrity, but since even the masses inside the middle of the bell has a pecking order, is it even possible to flatten out the curve, create a new form or loose it completely? I guess not as long as we are in this matrix of duality. That’s why it is so wonderful to know that more and more of us are willing to climb out from under the bell and release the trauma, purify our frequencies and heighten our perception. Thank you to all the men who were at this retreat for paving the way!
This theme of persecution will be explored more in-depth in the new online course Becoming Heralds of Hope – Answers for Lightworkers. Almine touches upon a wealth of information and gives answers to those most asked questions by lightworkers. It is for you who truly want to live your potential, learn how to flourish in troubled times and leverage above the masses.
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