After our last week of “disillusionment is better than a false sense of well-being”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction:
Prediction for the week of October 06 – October 12, 2013
It is truly time to come home to yourself; to slow down. Turn setbacks into stepping stones by gaining self-confidence from rising above them. Raise your eyes above the storm, and see the new directions you are being led into.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of September 29 – October 05, 2013
This week will give you a lot of clarity and perspective. Do not be discouraged when people around you reveal their true colors. Disillusionment is better than a false sense of well-being. Pick yourself up by fully enjoying your alone time and nature.
As always, tell us what inspires you regarding the prediction for the upcoming week, or your thoughts on last week’s prediction.
The weekly prediction is inspired by Almine’s Calendar of Oneness.
I cannot possible express how undeniably effective , powerful and spot on Almine’s modalities are. Every one of which I have engaged with is profound in its results. I am eternally grateful to the Infinite, Almine and team Almine for the holy trinity that you all comprise. Since discovering an interview of Almine about what is ascension in 2005, every step of my journey with her has yielded continual fascination, rapid healing, glorious evolution not too mention such clarity and revealing of truth, each day I am more and more my true self.
Thank you Thank you Thank you all……
Dear Tallulah, thank you for your gracious sharing 🙂
I hope these weekly predictions are a good way to keep on following and growing with Almine’s modalities.
Team Almine