Can you comment on the California Oroville Dam situation? I’ve heard various theories, including one of this being a warning shot to the current US administration for recent executive actions and the massive pedophile ring bust, last month in California, in which 474 child predators were arrested.
But this is the official story:
“Heavy rains last week caused the lake level to rise until the water began to pour down the emergency spillway on Sunday. Authorities ordered people to leave the area when a hole developed in an eroded area of the spillway, affecting about 188,000 residents. Officials worried the spillway would fail, and one warned a ’30-foot wall of water’ could flood the communities below the dam. Fears of such a disaster have largely been alleviated.” (Source: CNN.)
There is no foul play. It is the result of the response and the work of the sacred government to my request to end the drought. California was severely drought-stricken, as was Oregon — which is now flooding everywhere.
The drought was in part caused by suppressed emotions of despair (at the disintegration of society and environmental destruction), as well as anger (at the deceit of self-serving and uncaring politicians). The emotion has flowed out (as seen in the global reaction against Trump), but there’s still much suppressed, threatening to burst like a dam.
As for the pedophiles arrested, it was time — the release of the new Timemap caused the masters from around the world to focus on the Inner Child on the same days. This has strengthened the Earth’s Inner Child (the indigenous peoples).
Tomorrow (Friday) on How to Prevent the Inner Dam from Bursting
Thank you beloved Almine, since following you since 2009, i have seen the immediate results of all your endless”selfless” work, in addition to your rallying of the light family to focus on certain situations.. always resolved as a result. That is why we are here, and you have always reminded us of that and encouraged us to shed the ego and surrender to being a conduit for the infinite. It’s pouring right now where i am in Central California…and every cell of my being knows this blessed water falling from the sky is the work of the light family by your encouragement and any and all others who have genuinely prayed for it. When the prayers are pure, they always work. Love to you and the light family always.
Dear Almine, as you know so very well, people are people .. I am referring to the comment by Leela.
The ones who follow you with their heart, have no doubt why the earth is being flooded now.
The ones who are familiar with the HIndu mythology of “Creation, preservation and destruction” also know, that destruction has to come before creation can be . But then, you too have explained that several times.
As a longtime resident of CA and light warrior, I’m finding it comical and extraordinary that individuals/egos are taking personal responsibility for the ending of the Cali drought. Do you realize how many millions of us Cali residents have been working on this for many years, as well as countless light beings/elementals from around the earthplane who’s help we’ve requested as well! The drought did not end because Almine requested it or any other public persona claiming responsibility recently. It ended because millions of us requested it. The number of tears I’ve personally shed over the issue could fill reservoirs. Honestly.
The human ego……never fails to astound me. Check it at the door people. We all ended the drought. MOST especially we Californians who love this sacred land and began praying years ago….. sheesh. I mean no harm with this comment, but really…….
Good morning Almine,
thank you for this comment. I am very happy and relieved in my way that this pedophile ring is exposed!
Love, persistence also fear all those human attributes with the best intend have finally taken
good fruits for lots of people – for us- and will make an easier part for the next generations to come.
Commencing with one person – always- and now for many the light can bee seen better.
In gratitude and love