The Seer discusses the forgotten frequencies of Wholesome Living, and how addictions arise in their stead. The tools we have received to treat addiction are the tools that restore these frequencies, restoring soul to activity.
Cutting-edge Mysticism
The Seer discusses the forgotten frequencies of Wholesome Living, and how addictions arise in their stead. The tools we have received to treat addiction are the tools that restore these frequencies, restoring soul to activity.
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Kathleen Frances says
Such clarity~
Thank you🌺
Sara Roshan says
Y says
The background music makes it sound as though Almine is giving a sermon at a church. I thought I’d mention it because it feels quite peculiar and really calls my attention.
Diane says
I appreciate your insightful perspective, your words. I will listen to this again and again. I too am challenged by striving for enlightenment, knowledge, and insights, instead of being in the moment peacefully and joyfully. I needed your words at this time. Thank you.
Nathalie says
Very helpful, thank you! 🖤
Ishtar Gonzalez says
Loved this. Thank you.
Veronica says
What profound words
I really enjoyed these words of wisdom
Came to me at the right moment
Thank you Almine and wishing you many blessings today and always
Antara says
Thank you Almine for this great clarification on how to live in the moment. The part at the end of the audio speaking of ‘not reaching’ for things but rather put a foundation in place for our desires which are really our acknowledge preferences is timely for me.