What is the best type of milk to give my infant? Continue reading→
Why Does the Infinite Not Set Things Right?
Why does the Infinite not display more power in setting things right in the Cosmos and on Earth? Continue reading→
Angel Lullaby ~ Baby Blend Of Fragrance Alchemy
Spiritual Journeys proudly presents the The Baby Blend: Angel Lullaby. We’ve received some questions and would like to share Almine’s answers with you… Continue reading→
The First Encounter With A Raspberry
The purpose of life is to turn the unknown into the known through experience… Continue reading→
May Your Day Be Merry and Bright
May your day be Merry and Bright Continue reading→
Your Laughter
Never use laughter to reduce another or to hide your insecurity. Laughter is the divine expression of the deep sacred bliss of your being. Continue reading→
Happy Thanksgiving from Almine
Did You Know? We asked Almine to name one thing she is thankful for.
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Proud Aunt Jaylene
From Almine: Jaylene has become a proud aunt of an adorable little boy with the important name of Emerson. Continue reading→
In the Presence of a Newborn
A baby amazes and inspires feelings that we’re standing on holy ground… Why has the birth of a child universally inspired such reverence within us? Continue reading→
Double Rainbow (Baby Boy)
Question: What is the specific significance of this particular baby being born to your family at this time? Continue reading→