“On Wednesday, the 22nd of January, a massive cosmic shift in consciousness took place.” Continue reading→
Cosmic Information Flows Through the Seer Almine
Question: If I use a combination of Almine’s wheels to produce a power tool, how can that be interpreted as “doing my own thing”?… Continue reading→
Self-Government Creates Sacred Government
…three days of the March 2016 Moscow retreat on the Cosmic Timemap…the second and third day in particular seem to be very auspicious. Could you interpret their meaning please? Continue reading→
Evolution of Cosmic Tones Today
Today there is a change in the Cosmic tones, or Song of Existence, which is an evolutionary step forward, and hopefully brings more cooperative interaction on Earth. Continue reading→
Miracle of Serendipity
Continuing in our series of miracles (which we started last week here in our run up to the Night of Miracles), we wanted to share a sweet story of a miracle involving a serendipitous event. Here is one of the entries that was shared earlier this year. This little miracle brings forth the joy of… Continue reading→
Manifesting From Godhood – Insights From The Lemurian Angels 3/3
Creating reality Creating reality from within the human matrix, is the equivalent of a flat, two-dimensional movie screen that gives the impression of three-dimensionality. Creatively manifesting from the god-kingdom is like virtual reality, in that it provides more depth of living and intensity of experience. This creates intense emotions – a reason why the negative… Continue reading→
Cosmos Bestowing Greater Consciousness – Weekly Predictions by Almine
After last week’s “new song of the self”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of March 10 – March 16, 2013 Effort is required this week to choose your reality and evolve beyond self-imposed boundaries of expression. It is a week the cosmos would like to bestow greater consciousness,… Continue reading→
People Revealing Their True Colors and the Value of Making Mistakes
In this audio Almine explains the changes that are taking place after the ushering in of the new cosmic template and the subsequent evolved cosmic template. Almine goes into two specific subjects: People starting to show you their true colors and intentions and the seeming mistakes the Infinite makes. The talk culminates into a perspective… Continue reading→
The 3rd Resurrection – An Account Of The Red Deer Retreat With Almine
OK, this doesn’t happen every day, so we are really happy that Cecile has taken the time to write a few things down that happened during the recent Red Deer, Alberta retreat. Perhaps it raises more questions than answers with people, but it is always very insightful to get even a glimpse of what happens… Continue reading→
Surrendered Trust and Chocolats
Live from the Antwerp retreat we bring you amazing new insights on cosmic life, in which is revealed that the Infinite has ‘left the building’. We discuss how we have been ruled by the spiderwebs of existence and how we can step out of it by surrendered trust. On top of that we have an… Continue reading→