Are we a body inside a cosmos?
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Power Sigil For The Cosmos
This Sigil of Power is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved LightSister.
The densest levels of all realities (material life) can only be found in this cosmos. Continue reading→
Infinite’s Will
What is the cosmos? Continue reading→
There Is Nothing To Defend
A luminous Being as vast as the cosmos has nothing to explain. Born of the innocence of the Infinite’s pure intent, there is nothing to defend. ~ The Seer Almine
In Breath: the Coming Cosmic Contraction
Here is an update on the near-total dismantling of the Spiritual Journeys infrastructure, in accordance with the contraction (or ‘in breath’) of the cosmic tube torus. Continue reading→
How to Prevent a Black Hole
That which is sucked through a black hole sinks down to a lower dimension because of loss of resources. The cosmic reality contracts in the presence of a black hole. Continue reading→
The Sleeping Seer – Part 2
In 2009, Almine went into a trance so deep that at times, she ceased to breathe. In this astounding, advanced metaphysical experience, the One Life speaks through her, revealing amazing information about the Cosmos. The 2 parts of the Sleeping Seer series are bonus parts of the Science of Immortality online course. Yesterday we shared part 1,… Continue reading→
The Sleeping Seer – Part 1
In 2009, Almine went into a trance so deep that at times, she ceased to breathe. In this astounding, advanced metaphysical experience, the One Life speaks through her, revealing amazing information about the Cosmos. The 2 parts of the Sleeping Seer series are bonus parts of the Science of Immortality online course. Tomorrow we will… Continue reading→
Calling the 999 Angel Gods of the Cosmoses
“We invoke the 999 Angel Gods of the cosmic matrix, the cosmos of opposites, to sweep before them all that which traps the old belief systems and contracts and ghosts of the past, to eliminate the geometries of static form.” – Almine In this 45 minute closing gift of Entering Godhood 2, Almine calls the… Continue reading→
Battle Cry of the Angel Gods
This sample from the angelic transmission of Entering Godhood II exemplifies the Angel Gods’ macrocosmic purification of beings of shadow cast by the suppression of the godhood of the holy ones. Entering Godhood II is currently live on the Spiritual Mastery web site Entering Godhood I is now available as an instant download