This is such a beautiful thing to remember and remind ourselves of. As we walk the path of ascension, and the mystical journey with Almine, we need to remember that our bodies are part of the journey. Something I have either overlooked (also on purpose), or just forgotten. Often we don’t see the body as… Continue reading→
What is Resurrection? – The Drama of the Cosmos Pt. 2
What is Resurrection? – The Drama of the Cosmos Pt. 2 By the Seer Almine Resurrection within the microcosm, or individual, as well as in the macrocosm, is the reparation of the three schisms that happen within our eternal being to cause a life of opposition and alienation from Source. It occurs in three stages, in reverse order… Continue reading→
To fight against density and illusion is to fight against our own choice not to fully express aspects of our own being. Self-abandonment is the cause, density and illusion the effect. ~ Almine in the Atlantean Book of Angels.
2012 Prophecy Pt. 1 – A Few Will Change For The Many
2012 Prophecies from Ancient Records – As translated by the Seer Almine From the ancient Lemurian texts known as the Hamagda, the foreseen challenges of societal destructuring in 2012 are described as a cyclical and foreseeable cosmic sequence. The cosmic movement resembles a massive tube torus, or doughnut shape, that turns upon itself. The Ancients called… Continue reading→
2012 Prophecies From Ancient Records
2012 Prophecies from Ancient Records – As translated by the Seer Almine From the ancient Lemurian texts known as the Hamagda, the foreseen challenges of societal destructuring in 2012 are described as a cyclical and foreseeable cosmic sequence. For more about Almine’s prophecies join us on on Awakening from the Dream radio show, this Saturday 11… Continue reading→
Sacred Sexual Magic Process
Wow! Have we been getting strong feedback on the digesting density and sacred sexuality exercises we have shared on this diary. However, we have also gotten a lot of questions to clarify specifics about the process. So, as an aftermath of the all-men’s retreat, we have written down all insights and details of this process…. Continue reading→
The Higher Function Of The Stomach
Dissolving Density/Sacred Sexuality Using the Stomach and the Chakras In this recording, aired on Almine’s Contact Talk Radio show, Awakening from the Dream, shows us how to digest density, which is the true function of the stomach. This is the first step in a new form of sexuality introduced by Almine. This astoundingly profound exercise… Continue reading→
Capstone of Excellence
To be the capstone of excellence does not mean one is not always also the whole pyramid. To engage in the base of the pyramid while losing sight of the high level of expression that is the authentic and true comfort zone of a great one causes rejection, and or, entanglement and opposition from tribes… Continue reading→
The Purpose Pain and Density Serve
The compulsion of those who live lives of excellence to ‘fix’ others, even though intellectually they acknowledge that all is in perfection, is because they cannot bear seeing others suffer. Pain is a choice. Those who choose it, use the tension that pain generates to stay at their specific level of density. Anyone who tries… Continue reading→
Grateful For Our Last Easter
Radio Show In this radio show Almine takes us on a deep journey into personal awakening. What is the effect of practicing gratitude? What is the role of martyrdom and how do masters deal with physical pain? Join to hear why this upcoming Easter is called the last Easter. The story of a miraculous healing,… Continue reading→