Photo by Almine Matter should assimilate the other six particles and their properties. In this way (like matter and anti-matter) they cancel one another out. What is left is the eighth element: Incorruptible Infinite Matter – the element of Oneness.
Alchemy Power Source
~ Excerpt from the Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death, The Power Source of the Alchemists “When the mazes formed, blindness was born. Man could no longer see the Embodiment of the Infinite Being.” Registration starts soon ~
Infinite Surrender
Q. I feel a slight underlying anxiety when I listen to the new Hidden Planets sound elixirs. Why would this be? Almine’s response: Dearest one, the sound elixirs force one to a threshold and a threshold is never comfortable. If we hold on to the old when confronted with the challenge of the cosmos to… Continue reading→
Voice of the Infinite
This entry is dedicated to Matt and his wife, Linda with love from Almine. Q. What is the value of wisdom, when the more I seek it, the less I know? A. The worth of wisdom is that the seeker discovers that around in a circle he goes. The greatest gift that wisdom can give… Continue reading→
Mind Experiences
Q. I have also wondered why Almine at times receives assignments from the Infinite for herself and for us and then does hers outside of the class instead of with us? A. Almine: It is the case in classes that students come to eliminate mind; it literally feels like one is losing one’s mind. To… Continue reading→