Q. I have also wondered why Almine at times receives assignments from the Infinite for herself and for us and then does hers outside of the class instead of with us?
A. Almine: It is the case in classes that students come to eliminate mind; it literally feels like one is losing one’s mind. To receive the information, I become like an open door which pushes the class very fast. It is my way of pacing a class if it becomes necessary. I can see when students start to ‘spin out of control’ – then I interact more sparingly. It depends on the depth of the information, the intensity of receiving it and what physical changes they undergo by proxy as they become cosmic pivot points for change.
Rogier: Almine is like a portal into eternity. Few can look into eternity for long without going into some form of madness. If we who work with her are around her too much, our minds ‘bend’ and we can’t function. It affects all of us in different ways but it feels like a runaway roller coaster – one hangs on for all you’re worth because you lose all control.
Paul: Almine’s like a vortex – people spin out around her, becoming irrational and out of control. Minds bend in the presence of a great light. I use a large obsidian sphere to help center me when I record her voice.
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