Beloved Mother…I have been observing my Inner Space and it’s filled with Divine Compassion Is that the place where our Infinite Mother dwells? Continue reading→
You Are Attempting To Accomplish Powerful Acts Of High Magic
You are attempting to rewrite the way you interact with your reality so that you can break free from the illusion of the binding hold external events have in shaping your perspective and your worldview. Continue reading→
Inner Space: The 288 Songs of the Earth (Preview)
A preview of the Seer’s Free New Year’s Eve Event. Continue reading→
Is the Guidance of the Heart Reliable?
I couldn’t wait to clarify with Almine the purpose of the Runes in integrating the outer and inner senses as they seem a bridge to clarify the issue of listening to “heart’s guidance”… See the Book of Runes here and Almine’s illuminating reply below. Question: What is the contribution and value of the Runes in… Continue reading→
Understanding the Twenty Riddles of Uncovering the Mysteries of Inner Space
It is difficult to see perfection unfolding in the complexity of our outer space. Within the oneness of inner space, perfection reveals itself more easily. Observations of inner space train us to eliminate the tendency to define life by what it is not, and instead to see the perfection of what is. Inner space is… Continue reading→
Understanding the Twenty Riddles of Uncovering the Mysteries of Inner Space
Mastering the Twelve Principles of Understanding Memories Versus Knowingnes The more we realize that the way we live the moment, immediately impacts the past; that every moment changes what was and makes what we remember obsolete, the less it has a hold on us. This awareness can immediately heal the heart and still the mind…. Continue reading→
December : the Month of High Magic
In this video Almine touches upon the importance of going into the depth of our roots, and the integration of the realities of inner space (“death”) and external space (“life”) as resurrection. Continue reading→
Uniting Inner and Outer Space
Message from Almine It’s an exciting moment… The cosmic event of uniting inner and outer space is being initiated here on Earth on this Saturday August 16, 2014. It is a tremendous opportunity for those with humility in their hearts to be proxies for this event. Also, see our post of August 8 on this… Continue reading→