Today there is a change in the Cosmic tones, or Song of Existence, which is an evolutionary step forward, and hopefully brings more cooperative interaction on Earth. Continue reading→
Eliminating Codependence
The question for today is about the stages of development of our relationships. Question: If codependency is only one of the developmental stages of a relationship, why is it that according to America’s psychologists, over 90% of relationships are codependent? Why don’t people allow their relationships to develop through the other, more mature stages, that… Continue reading→
Are the Masculine and Feminine Axis Fully Merged?
We recently had the opportunity to make an evolutionary leap – I asked Almine if we accomplished it. See our post of September 23, 2015 Our Evolutionary Leap (Blood Moon) for more details. Continue reading→
Taking Responsibility for Your Life
Today we share a little piece on taking responsibility for your life and manipulation strategies used to evade that responsibility. To be responsible only for one’s self is the core of an attitude that refuses to save those who manipulate through ineptness. When we embark upon the path of enlightenment, we must release others to… Continue reading→
Invitation Of The Goddesses – The 16 Goddesses Pt. 1
We share with you today the first part of a series of four New Paradigms through Ancient Records shows, which will deal with restoring the balance between the masculine and feminine by integrating the 16 goddess archetypes. In our masculine cosmos, the feminine has often times been valued and expressed as less than the masculine…. Continue reading→
The Never Ending Linear Journey
A little gem by Almine, from Walking with the Seer. Don’t see getting out of the matrix of existence as a linear journey, for it will never end. Every answer begets another question. Like mirrors placed opposites each other, the view goes on for ever and ever but ultimately takes you nowhere. ~ Almine ~*~… Continue reading→
Shining Beyond The Grayness Of The Unaware Masses
Yesterday we shared a beautiful piece of Almine’s second book Journey to the Heart of God. You can read that post here. Well, you are in luck! We’ve got another inspirational piece from that same book lined up for you today. Shining Your Light Traditionally, it hasn’t been safe to let our light shine; to demonstrate… Continue reading→
Life Is Not A Camp
The following text comes from Almine’s second book Journey to the Heart of God. Sit back and enjoy! There is a saying, “Life is a journey, not a camp”. We are either moving forward or moving backwards, but we are never standing still. In the vast river of change we call life, any life form either moves with it,… Continue reading→
Time – Where the Destiny of the Cosmos Hinges on the Moment
After posting the main ascension attitudes of Love, Praise and Gratitude, it’s time to share the seven supporting attitudes. The upcoming weeks these will find their way to the blog and perhaps become an integrated part in your daily awareness. Today we’ll start with time. The Seven Supporting Attitudes The seven supporting attitudes as an… Continue reading→
Alchemy of Relationship (Free Download)
Awakening from the Dream, my new online course starts this upcoming Monday February 7th! To prepare for this class, I offer this free download on the Alchemy of Relationship, for you… my beloved family of light. The download comes from my book Journey to the Heart of God. 144 Original Ones were created in a… Continue reading→