We are happy to bring to you our fifth installment of the immensely popular translation of the Lemurian Way of the Windhorses. Enjoy… Fly now beyond duality with the windhorses of the sky Only there does enlightenment in freedom from polarity lie When a question was asked: “What then am I”? A mirror formed from seeking the unanswerable Infinite depths is all we can find Endless width within us abounds Fractured images and mirrored worlds trapped awareness, or so it seemed The Cosmos it was called – the chamber of mirrors we were in ~*~ Three ways of discovery, a journey of exploring the self The spiritual warrior, the mystic and the shaman formed in response To find the way beyond the mirrors By knowing the secrets of what we are not, we may discover what we are The warrior of the windhorse, upon a spiritual quest Found what way power flowed That the lure of entering the unreal world of mirrors would not deceive and entrap The source of power in the reality of each always comes from self Like the rising sun and the endless sky The warrior and his power become one To be continued… Click here for the fourth translation.
You Cannot Trust Your Eyes
Here is our fourth installment of the translation of the Lemurian Way of the Windhorses scrolls. You can read the third post here or look at all the posts on this subject by clicking on the “Windhorse tag” below this post. Great tip to find more posts on a subject you like! Let not dead… Continue reading→
Cosmic Dream Interpretation (free download)
In this short introductory video Almine invites you to take a look Ask Almine: Dream Interpretation, the latest installment of her Ask Almine Anything courses that pertains particularly to dreaming. Here’s a free download to get you excited! Almine’s Gift to You: Dream Dictionary
Mirrors Form Duality
Photo by Almine The mirror shows inverted images, therefore the way we understand these images is backwards. They should in reality, not be directional. This creates duality and separation.
Illusion of Space
Photo by Almine The six elements around the 7th form a mirror – they are therefore forming an illusion of space. This is like someone standing between two mirrors and seeing themselves in a never-ending line of images.