In this New Paradigms through Ancient Records, we spend our second episode on the principles of Oneness and go deeper into the stages of potential human development. Beyond forms of ego, tyrannies of mind and heart, beyond even individuation lies a land as of yet undiscovered. Join Avril and Niels in search of this new… Continue reading→
Overcoming Hostile Individual Life
In our brand new episode of New Paradigms through Ancient Records we are going into something unique. The wheels we share today help dissolve Life as a reflection of the Infinite and instead will let you become a pure expression of that One Life. No more hostile fighting for a place in the sun… Continue reading→
Creating A Mirror By Acting From Individual Will
Put your brainy specs on: In this Q&A session, Almine goes into the very nature of the building blocks of life and how they change as the cosmos changes. Q: In quantum physics the building blocks of life are an anomaly: They are little wave forms but they are also appearing as little particles. How does that… Continue reading→
The Doorway
We are on a roll! After yesterday’s post here, and the day before yesterday’s post here, today we will again post just pure wisdom. Enjoy. Our bodies are doorways to all directions. When the directions come home to the heart, life reveals itself. We are the door of everything that lives. Man makes mirrors for… Continue reading→
How We Became Real
In part 4 of this revealing series, Almine discusses the benefits that resulted from the Fall, why Mother stayed in the Dream so long and how we became real. See part 3 here.
The Four Stages Of Dreaming
In part 3 of this revealing series, Almine discusses the 4 stages of dreaming, the sacred and holy libraries and the Adam and Eve story. Also take a look at parts 1 and 2.
Is This Life-enhancing?
If you like deep, deep metaphysics, this a video for you! Almine explores the first beginnings of the Dream… and uncovers it started with a thought. It started with a question: Is this life-enhancing?
Creating Our Own Tyrants
When limitation enters our lives, in that moment we have also created our tyrants. Desire arises from an attempt to find a lost song. Our heart’s desires indicate where we need to express. Life supplies the one who knows his limitless bounty. Focusing on lack increases it. The illusion of identity seeks to perpetuates itself by affirming… Continue reading→
The Poison of Knowledge
After reading about the ways of the shaman, warrior and mystic to discover the One Self, here is the conclusion of this part of the Lemurian series The Way of the Windhorses. Masters they are, each has overcome The tyranny of appearances, the mirrors around everyone From all races they come to rise beyond duality… Continue reading→
The Shaman – Dancing In and Out of the Mirrors
We resume our series of translations of the Lemurian records known as The Way of the Windhorses. See our previous post here. Or use the “Windhorse tag” to find all the related posts. The Shaman knows that the fullness of tones Can shatter the mirrors’ captivity But like the river he flows No longer needing… Continue reading→