During the vacation period we will feature little snippets from Almine’s old diaries. Called the “Blast from the Past”-series, it gives a perfect opportunity to see how Almine’s teachings and insights have deepened over the years or to dive into forgotten corners of the teachings. We think you will enjoy! Clean-up begins Where do I… Continue reading→
Doorway Of The Heart – Sacred Sexuality Pt. 3
Doorway of the Heart – Sacred Sexuality Pt. 3 by the Seer Almine To truly experience another is a matter of the heart. The mind and senses can only appreciate the form, but the heart can know the divine essence within. In this way another being, whether a partner or a flower, becomes a doorway… Continue reading→
Claiming Your Sovereignty
Two new editions of Awakening from the Dream radio show. We hope you enjoy them! When Instinct Gets You Nowhere Join in to listen to Almine invoke the angels for effortless change in 2012. A truly powerful incantation! She also speaks about the difference between creating and expressing. Deep mystical stuff! Rogier, Marc and Niels… Continue reading→
What is Resurrection? – The Drama of the Cosmos Pt. 2
What is Resurrection? – The Drama of the Cosmos Pt. 2 By the Seer Almine Resurrection within the microcosm, or individual, as well as in the macrocosm, is the reparation of the three schisms that happen within our eternal being to cause a life of opposition and alienation from Source. It occurs in three stages, in reverse order… Continue reading→
The Fall – The Drama Of The Cosmos Pt. 1
The Fall – The Drama Of The Cosmos Pt. 1 by the Seer Almine When life fell into duality, it happened in three stages: 1. The Confinement of Space The Infinite Ocean of Existence expresses at all times, but when its expression becomes very specific in a certain part of its boundlessness, a space forms…. Continue reading→
The Never Ending Linear Journey
A little gem by Almine, from Walking with the Seer. Don’t see getting out of the matrix of existence as a linear journey, for it will never end. Every answer begets another question. Like mirrors placed opposites each other, the view goes on for ever and ever but ultimately takes you nowhere. ~ Almine ~*~… Continue reading→
The Answer To All Questions – An Interview With Almine Pt. 3
Here’s the third part of our recent “interview with Almine” series, conducted by Cris. How do questions and answers create this reality and how does this relate to the male and female principle? Almine: “Questions and answers create the tube torus of reality. As the question goes more and more deeply, the answer goes farther… Continue reading→
The Origin Of Mirrors – An Interview With Almine Pt. 2
Part 2 of Cris’s interview with Almine. You can read part 1 here. What are the core illusions? Almine: “The core illusion is ‘I am that’ and ‘I am not that’. Question and answers are the first polarity. Questions and answers create space. The first question was ‘What am I?’ This in turn creates mirrors of… Continue reading→
The Flaws Of Both Parties
Unification is doomed to failure because it is based on the illusion of relationship. Unification reveals the flaws of both parties, whether the unification takes place through sex or otherwise. The process of unification or any other relationship forms a mirror.
The Nature Of A Mirror
To spend more and more time understanding and repairing the geometrical mirrors of the playpen when it’s time for the Infinite to express fully, making them obsolete, is a waste of time. They cannot be brought into balance, when imbalance is the nature of a mirror. From the Atlantean Book of Angels.