Man has inflicted damage on the Earth and her kingdoms, without awareness of the pain it is causing other life-forms. Now the Earth and trees and waters and weather are fighting back. No longer shall we suffer in silence, but we give this ceremony in gratitude to the Holy Ones of the Earth. Continue reading→
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Here is a little ditty by Almine on gratitude from the Atlantean Book of Angels, angel 40 (written transcript of an audio recording by Almine): The body, the soul and the spirit seem to be so separate and in this appearance it formed death and life and ascension, three separate… Continue reading→
27 States of Nature (From Russia with Love 2/3)
Listen to this recording of Almine in which she shares a meditation on the 27 states of nature to awaken evolutionary possibilities. From Russia with love! This audio is taken with a hand held recorder during the 2013 Moscow retreat with Almine. It has both her and her translator in it. Although this is not… Continue reading→
Stewards of the Earth
This is the second video straight from Almine’s latest newsletter… Almine shares a story of how the indigenous peoples walked upon the planet and acted as the caretakers of the Earth. Seeing all life as sacred, they lived in conscious appreciation of all things as they lived off the land in harmonious integration. See more Almine… Continue reading→
Secret Life Of Plants And Minerals
Straight from Almine’s latest newsletter… Do you talk to rocks? Do you consult your firewood before setting it on fire? In a short discussion with Almine, she describes the hidden worlds of plants and minerals, and of our unconscious treatment of these kingdoms. See more Almine videos on her youtube page.
Winds Of Change
As the hurricane Sandy sweeps the east coast of America, I am reminded of what Almine says about cataclysmic change – that it comes from the surface and forces us into re-evaluation and the eventual adjustment of core beliefs. For example the belief that we are insignificant little beings with no power and ability to live… Continue reading→
The Secret Of Sexuality – Sacred Sexuality Pt. 2
The Secret of Sexuality ~ Sacred Sexuality Pt. 2 by the Seer Almine The secret to unlocking the gift of perception that sexuality can yield lies in that place of connection with the Infinite: the present moment. It is in the stillness of the moment that we experience the ultimate love affair between Creator and Creation…. Continue reading→
The Origin Of Warfare
The marriage between the masculine and the feminine must be one of equality. Too much of the masculine brings warfare and plundering of nature. Too much feminine brings black magic, which tilts the Earth’s axis. When action has no agenda, doingness and beingness become one. Rest slumbers while you work. Work is work no more. When that which is… Continue reading→
The Angels Of Soil
Want to liven up your garden? Bless the forest near your house? Or help clear the ocean floors of pollutants? With this power wheel from the Science of Alchemy online course you can call upon the primary Archangels of soil and ask them and their legion of angels to help them reveal the perfection of… Continue reading→
Generosity – Life Giving To Itself
Over the past few weeks we have been posting the 7 supporting ascension attitudes that make up a life of spiritual mastery, together with the 3 primary ascension attitudes of love, praise and gratitude. Today we will finish this series with the last supporting attitude – generosity. Generosity If there is one thing that characterizes… Continue reading→